Chapter 3: Two Days Later

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Two days have passed. Izuku had hurried up on some things. He had found the dead center of the camp. The camp is nine acres in a three by three square so it took awhile. He got a area probably sixty feet in diameter. This would be the bonfire. He had also got a giant sign made for the campground. It said, "DAGOBAH CAMPGROUND." He used three of the trees he found to set it up. Two for pillars and one laying across both of them with the sign hanging from it. He also did the same for the trail to the lake. He had spent all day yesterday cutting stakes for markers so he could measure out the size of the slots. The slots would be fourty feet by fourty feet. Once he got dressed he got outside and started placing stakes. At 12:00 pm is when everyone started showing up. By 12:10 everyone was there including the news. He knew once this went live more people would show up but who was he to complain. He grabbed a megaphone and got in front of the bonfire area he made, "ALRIGHT GUYS CAN YOU ALL HEAR ME!" He heard them all say, "YES!" He took a breath steeling his nerves and spoke, "I wanna bring this campground back to it's former glory! I never wanted to be known for it I just wanted to do something for the community. When I was a kid I never had anything like this. I want all kids around here to someday experience something like this. From what my mom told me this was a staple of the community. When people were here it was like one big family reunion. Everyone had fun, shared, suffered, and stayed together. But when this place got burned down everything stopped. Everyone was hurt that a huge part of there childhood was taken. But today that ends. It's gonna be a long process. My hope is that with this many people we can get this done before summer ends. And I want everyone here today to be here whenever this place is fully reopened by the mayor. He said whenever I say this place is good to go it will be ready. Is everyone ready!?" The crowd cheered.

"Alright first up is getting all this mess cleaned up. The police chief had told me to tell everyone quirk usage is allowed but don't go crazy. Telekinetic quirk users I need you to pick up as much as you can and throw it in the dumpsters that have been donated for us to use. Strength quirk users I need you to left all the fallen down trees and put them all in one area. A lumber yard is coming by later today and taking it all to their yard. If trees are to big to carry get them into smaller pieces. Kids be safe and don't push yourself! A grocery store nearby has donated almost two thousand water bottles! That along with all these freezers and people with ice quirks keeping them cold water if you ever get thirsty it's here. NOW LET'S GET BUSY!" The crowd cheered and got to work immediately.

Izuku just sat down four trees and used Black Whip to sit down four more. Two hours had passed and they were really far along. They had already filled up two dumpsters. At this rate they could be done with this before the day ended. Many more people had showed up. Before it was only about seventy. But once the news aired it went from seventy to Izuku had to guess five hundred. It was insane. He was then tapped on his shoulder. He turned around and saw the blue haired boy with glasses from the exam and what looked like his older brother, "Oh hey I remember you from the exam. I am Izuku Midoriya." He shook his hand, "I am Tenya Ida. And must I saw you are something." "If you are referring to my entrance exam my power isn't what I want to be known for. I want to be known for this." He gestured to everyone, "I want the power to bring people together. For now It's this place. Next it could be another beach, another campground, or hell maybe even an entire forest. This is what I want for." The older boy chuckled, "Tenya told me you were something else but this proves it. Tensei Ida nice to meet you." Izuku shook his hand too, "Geez more and more people keep showing up. At this rate this place will be ready in a month. Well I got to get to it!"

The sun was starting to set and it was 5:30 pm. Izuku quickly ran in front of the bonfire area and grabbed his megaphone, "HEY EVERYONE GOOD WORK TODAY!" Everyone cheered, "We have fully cleaned up this area in record time! When this day started I never would have expected this many people! We went from a measly 70 people to almost a 1,000! We have broke records today! To thank everyone I was able to do one thing! Multiple stores across the city and cities nearby not to mention donations have allowed me to do this! We will be doing a massive cookout tonight! Tonight is the start of a new day for this camp! We will also be having a bonfire at 8:00! If you need to go get chairs I understand! But feel free to come back! I want everyone that helped to see what they did! It wasn't just me that did this! I may have laid to framing for everything but all of you did this! From the smallest child to the strongest person! Hell we even got some pro hero's to volunteer their time! All Might even showed up for a couple hours! Everyone was excited at that! I may be aiming to be a pro hero but I highly doubt anything I do in my hero career will compare to what I was able to accomplish today! Today we cleaned this entire place, donated tons of lumber which will all be used to help stuff like this! Tomorrow I plan an planting markers everyone for slots! I know it sounds tedious but if we can have this big of a turnout like we did today it will take no time at all! Multiple people went and brought grills to cook food for us! Is everyone ready to eat!" The crowd cheered, "YEAH!" "LETS GO!" The grills lit up and food was cooked.

8 o'clock rolled around. Izuku had just finished putting fire wood on the bonfire. The damn thing was probably twenty feet tall. Izuku put a lot of fire starter on it. He then lit a match and threw it. The thing exploded into one giant flame. Izuku grabbed the megaphone again, "I wanna say thank you again to everyone! Wanna know what we all did today?" Everyone paused. Izuku lifted his right fist in the air, "WE WENT BEYOND! EVERYONE READY! ON THREE!" From the oldest person to the youngest toddler everyone got there right fist ready and everyone cheered, "PLUS ULTRA!" Izuku sat down in his seat and smiled. He accomplished a lot today. He would treasure this day forever.

By 10:30 everyone was gone except Kyoka. Izuku was exhausted. He put out the fire and went to change. Once he did he let Kyoka into the camper and she spoke, "Dude that was one hell of a turnout! So much fun! Izuku nodded and popped his back, "Hopefully we can have that same turnout tomorrow. I know its boring working but it's something. The most exciting step comes after that." "What is it?" "Digging up all the dead grass and dirt and replacing it. Even with the amount of people we had today that will take a couple weeks." Kyoka yawned, "You did say you were cool if I crashed her tonight right?" Izuku nodded and pulled out the couch, "Here you go. I got an extra blanket for you so you can be warm. It's cold tonight. I am gonna hit the hay. I am utterly exhausted." They both slept like dogs.

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