Chapter 13: Start of Sports Festival

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Izuku had just woken up and got dressed. He grabbed his gym uniform and put it into his school bag. He walked out, "Hey guys heading out! Picking up a couple people on the way to school!" Inko spoke, "Be careful sweetie! Do your best in the sports festival today!" "Will do mom!" Hisashi spoke, "Same goes for me Izuku. Just do your best!" "Will do Hisashi." Izuku left and got into his truck. He drove to Jiro's house and picked her up and then he swung by Kaminari's and Tokoyami's house, "Alright we got a full crew. We ready for the sports festival guys?" Kaminari cheered, "Yeah! With all that training I will definitely go high!" Tokoyami, "Revelry in the dark. I agree. With your training Midoriya we will rank high." Jiro spoke, "Yeah with Midoriya's training from before school started I think I will also rank high." "Oh did you all ever turn in anything for support gear?" Tokoyami, "Just a cloak for Dark Shadow." Kaminari, "Honestly just a custom gym uniform. Able to take my new speed, power, and electric power. Besides that nothing else. I am working with Powerloader once the festival ends to come up with ideas." Tokoyami, "I am also do so. But instead of Powerloader he said he had a student I could work with. Someone called Mei Hatsume. He did say I would see her during the festival." Jiro, "I was only able to get my boots approved. And the only reason they allowed it was because of the mobility aspect. They were half tempted to just make me new boots with just the speaker on the bottom." "Well at least they allowed it."

Once they got to U.A. they all quickly changed and went into their waiting room. Izuku was with Kaminari, Tokoyami, Yaoyorozu, Jiro, Todoroki, Shoji, Hagakure, and Uraraka. As they were talking Bakugou came up, "Deku!" Midoriya looked at him, "Yes bomber?" "Listen here! You may have been trained by All Might but I am gonna win! You quirkless freak!" "No offense but if you are still calling me quirkless after everything I have shown you then you have an issue. You compensating for something? Or maybe a lack of something?" Most of the class chuckled, "WHAT DID YOU SAY!?" Bakugou had an explosion in his hand and was going to hit Midoriya in the head with it but before he could Midoriya had gotten up and twisted his arm behind his back and pinned him, "Remember no harming other students before the festival. Didn't they say you could get kicked out of the festival for that? Would be a shame if I went and told someone like Nedzu. Or Mr. Aizawa. He would make you do so much extra work. Now are you gonna shut up and behave." Bakugou growled but ignored him, "Good." Bakugou got up and walked away.

Uraraka spoke, "Um Midoriya question why does Bakugou call you Deku? Doesn't that mean useless?" He nodded, "Yeah. He came up with that name when we were four or five. Can't exactly remember. But my quirk hadn't come in. As you know super quirks have a habit of not showing up until later in life. But Bakugou was being a kid and decided that since I didn't have a quirk I was useless. And since Deku meant useless he called me Deku. He has called me that ever since. Even when I showed him in middle school that I had a quirk and I explained everything to him. Yet he still called me it." Jiro spoke, "You know I kind of like the name Deku. It's a cool nickname. Outside of it meaning useless of course." "Hm. Maybe I will use it for a hero name." "Why Deku for a hero name?" "Well if someone with a name that means useless can become the next number one then anyone can if they work hard enough." Suddenly the speaker yelled, "ALRIGHT EVERYONE! HEAD ON OUT TO THE STADIUM!" Midoriya got up and opened the door, "Come on guys!" Everyone walked out with him being last.

Midnight was at the center, "Alright first up we have the pledge! And this year he has already made a name for himself! He brought back to life a camp, fought at the U.S.J., released prisoners that hadn't even had a trial, and he scored the most points during the entrance exam then anyone ever has! Including All Might! Come on up Izuku Midoriya!" The crowd cheered. Izuku flew up to the stadium and stood in front of the microphone, "Hey everyone! How is it going today!?" The crowd cheered again, "I am just here to say I expect everyone to do their best! I am not gonna hold back so no one else to! This is a test to see who is the best, who should stay in the hero course, and who should leave it! And I am here to prove I deserve my spot! So should everyone else! You all ready!?" The crowd of students chanted, "Then let's get this thing started! Midnight what's first!?" She spun a wheel and once it stopped, "Obstacle course! Everyone get to the waiting area!" Everyone left but while they were doing so Izuku was doing something in secret.

Once they got there Present Mic spoke, "ALRIGHT IS EVERYONE READY!" He saw Todoroki freeze the spot where he was at so he decided to launch black whip at the walls to get ready to slingshot him, "READY!" He pulled himself back, "SET!" He charged up Full Cowling 80%, Fa Jin, and Gearshift, "G!" As soon as the left Present Mic's lips Izuku was gone, "O!" Suddenly Izuku was in the stadium and everyone in the hallway was slammed on their ass. The crowd of silent for a moment, "IZUKU MIDORIYA HAS WON THE RACE! RECORD TIME! HOLY CRAP GUYS! ERASERHEAD HOW FAST WAS THAT!?" "He probably put all his strength into it. Apparently he can go 50% the speed of light at full power so this isn't anything surprising." The crowd cheered for Izuku.

Once the other students realized what happened they went back to running. But Tokoyami and Kaminari were the first ones out. Tokoyami with flying and Kaminari with using Shock Cowling. They were ahead of everyone. Kaminari looked to his right and he was about to be crushed by a zero pointer but a flash of green lightning destroyed it, "Hey they never said I couldn't help out my opponents!" Izuku joined the race. Izuku was in first place and he cleared the robot area. Now was the giant pit. Izuku leaped over it and stood there watching other students try. He saw Yaoyorozu attempt something but it failed and she started falling into said pit. Izuku leaped towards her and used the wall as a spring board and sat her down, "You go ahead. I am keeping an eye on this." She nodded and kept rushing off. Izuku kept an eye on everyone and he helped out a couple people that were about to fall in the pit.

Once 42 students finished the race ended.

(These are the main changes. Everyone else stays the relatively the same.)

1. Izuku Midoriya

2. Shoto Todoroki

3. Denki Kaminari

4. Katsuki Bakugou

5. Fumikage Tokoyami

6. Tenya Ida

7. Kyoka Jiro

8. Momo Yaoyorozu

Izuku had been inside the stadium once everyone passed the pit and he was floating a few feet in the middle meditating. Once he heard people coming through he opened his eyes and watched everyone coming through. Once his friends made it through he landed and went up to them, "Great job everyone! You all really impressed me! You all definitely will get some internship offers! And Kaminari great job on third! You blew my expectations out of the water!" Kaminari threw his hands in the air, "Dude that training you gave me was amazing! I even passed Bakugou!" The group laughed and Izuku saw Bakugou coming over. Izuku sensed he was about to attack and before he could attack Kaminari Izuku kicked him straight in his chest sending him flying into the wall, "WHAT THE HELL! I WAS TRYING TO KILL PIKACHU!" "That's the point! Just cause he got ahead doesn't mean you get to attack him!" "BULL SHIT! WHAT THE HELL DID YOU TEACH HIM!" "Easy I trained him. Not my fault you couldn't keep up." Midnight come on the intercoms, "Alrighty everyone! Time to decide the next event!" The wheel spun again and landed on the cavalry battle, "Alrighty! The next event is a cavalry battle! You can be in groups of two to four! One person has to be the horse and if the horse lands on the ground they instantly lose and must hand over their headband to the closest team to you! No exceptions! Now onto first place! Typically we wouldn't allow this but the teachers here have decided! Izuku Midoriya your headband is worth ten million points! And because of your powers we have decided that you can participate in a group all by yourself! But because of that you will not be allowed to take anyone else's headband. You also can not assist other teams like others may do. You will only be allowed to run and defend yourself!" Izuku Midoriya raised his hand, "Yes ma'am!"

(Imma skip the Calvary battle cause I personally do not find it very interesting.)

Midnight got her microphone, "Alright everyone get ready for the next event! It will be one on one fights!"

Round 1: Izuku Midoriya vs Hitoshi Shinso

Round 2: Shoto Todoroki vs Hanta Sero

Round 3: Denki Kaminari vs Ibara Shiozaki

Round 4: Tenya Ida vs Mei Hatsume

Round 5: Kyoka Jiro vs Mina Ashido

Round 6: Fumikage Tokoyami vs Momo Yaoyorozu

Round 7: Ejiro Kirishima vs Tetsutetsu Tetsutetsu

Round 8: Katsuki Bakugou vs Ochaco Uraraka

Midnight continued, "Everyone get ready cause the real events starts in thirty minutes!"

OP IZUKUTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon