Chapter 6: First Day

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(Also in this fanfic Hagakure can turn her invisibility on and off. I always found it weird she is just always invisible. Especially her having to be nude in her hero suit.)

Izuku had just gotten dressed in his U.A. uniform. Today was his first day. He then grabbed his necklace that he had made. It had a handful of things of them. There was a green fist indicating One for All. A black tendril indicating Black Whip. A wing for float. A lightning bolt for Danger Sense. A purple smoke cloud for Smokescreen. A red energy orb for Fa Jin. A gear for gearshift. And finally the one he was the proudest of. A mini version of the medal All Might gave him when the campground opened. "Hey mom leaving for school!" "Ok honey! Hey before you go you got a letter in the mail from your father!" Izuku's smile dropped but he quickly put it back on, "Ok! Ill read it later!" He then walked out to head to his truck.

He had just picked up Jiro and he was driving and the truck was silent until she spoke, "Ok what's up? It's our first day at U.A. I would assume you would be jumping for joy." Izuku shook his head, "Yeah. I was really excited for today. I got my custom necklace in the mail I ordered a couple months ago, had an amazing breakfast, got dressed, and then my mom said that I got a letter today from my dad." "Isn't that good? I mean I know he works in America but how long." Izuku sighed, "The only memory I even have of the dude is a brief image of black curly hair. Besides that nothing." Jiro could see the look on Izuku's face, "Are you gonna open up the letter?" "No. It's gonna be the same basic stuff it always says. How are you doing? How is school? Any new friends? You know stuff like that. And the thing is I would be really excited to tell him everything going on. I am the happiest I have ever been at this point in life and I have so much to tell him but it's not worth it. His letters are always so bland and it's the same letter every single time. A letter every single month for ten years. Even when I did write him he never responded until the next month and it was the same letter I responded to. It's like he doesn't even show interest in my life." Jiro rubbed Izuku's right hand with her left, "Wait you said for ten years? You told me you didn't awaken your quirk until a little over a year ago. Does he even know?" Izuku shook his head, "Not to my knowledge. Hell I didn't tell my mom about my power until I could control my power which took two months. So unless she told him it was never brought up in his letters." "You still open his letters?" "I do. Every time I get one I get hope maybe this letter is different but it's always the same. This is the last letter I am gonna open. Can we please talk about something else? This is depressing." "Yeah sure." They then got to talking about U.A.

Once they pulled in they got out and saw Hero Safety Commission Agents in front of the gate. All Might had told him that some agents viewed the entrance exam to recruit people. As they were walking through he felt them turn to him. Izuku continued walking until danger sense went off as a hand was going for his shoulder. He quickly turned around and grabbed the dudes hand, "What do you want." He then let go, "We are here to offer you a spot to be trained by the Hero Safety Commission. We could train you much better then this place and make you a great hero like we have others." "Yeah Lady Nagant and Hawks what about it." "During your exam we saw what you were capable of and the abilities you possess. Would you like to take us up on our offer? If you did you would have all recourses you could ever need and help better the world in such a way you may never be able to do." Izuku raised an eyebrow, "That sounds cool but not for me. I wanna be the number one hero my way and not linked to any other organization." Izuku then turned around and him and Jiro continued walking. Danger sense went off again and Izuku put his arms over his hand and grabbed the dudes arm and swung him over his shoulder and slammed him into the ground, "One of my abilities is Danger Sense. It only goes whenever an attack or action is made towards me with dangerous intent. So you were meaning to try and threaten me or continue to annoy me. Next time someone says no. It. Mean. Fucking. No!" Izuku let go of his arm and walked inside with Jiro, "You ok Midoriya?" He nodded, "That guy was a fucking idiot." Outside the dude got up and called someone, "Madam President he denied the request." "Try again and again. According to All Might himself in the monitoring room he said in just strength based off his main power he is stronger than him at only 50%. Once you incorporate his other powers he is a monster. We need to get him on our side. We waited to long with All Might but with this boy we will recruit him." "What if he keeps denying. He just threw me to the pavement like it was nothing. I have a feeling if we keep pushing he is gonna snap in public." "I will find a way. Just chill outside until he leaves and try again. I want an agent there everyday to try and talk to him." "Yes ma'am."

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