Chapter 4: Opening

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A week and a half has passed. There a massive turn out almost everyday. Spots were marked, soil had been dug up, then new soil had been placed there, and grass seeds had been planted. People that had quirks made plants grow faster had come out and made grass grow on the spots that had been replanted.

Izuku had just got his camping spot set up. It was more compact than before. Because today was the day. All Might had taken the trailer back to Izuku's house so he had time to set up his spot and do anything else he needed to do. Izuku had also gotten really close with Kyoka over the past couple weeks. If he wasn't working he was either with his mom or at Kyoka's house. Izuku was excited. The mayor was gonna open this place up to the public again. Izuku threw on a shirt and got the bonfire ready for later tonight. He had gotten even buffer then before.

Noon had rolled around and news stations were everywhere. Every singular spot was taken with a vehicle parked in that spot or a camper. No one had set up yet. Thousands of people were waiting in front of a little podium. Inko and the Jiro's were at the very front. The Mayor Shallon Esteban stepped up to the microphone with Izuku Midoriya standing to the side, "Everyone knows why we are here today! A young man no older then 16 has done something thought to be impossible. He has brought something that so many people hold important to them back to life. To me this campground was important. I brought my kids here, I was brought here, my parents were brought here, and my grandparents were brought here. I am assuming most people from around here have a similar story. I know he said he never wanted to be rewarded for this but today he will. Izuku Midoriya." He stepped forward, "You are a hero to this entire city. This place will now be able to spark new memories, new futures, and so much more. But before I continue someone else wanted to say something." Suddenly a flash of blue, red, yellow, and white slid in front of him, "I AM HERE!" Everyone cheered, "Young Midoriya I have seen you do something incredible! I can't think of a single person that could accomplish such a feat! Not even myself! You a 16 year old pulled people together to bring this land back to its former glory! You are destined for great things! If you are able to do this at only 16 I fully believe you have what to takes to become a top pro hero! And with your abilities I believe you will eventually surpass me! If you put this much effort into your hero work then no doubt about it! I am proud to say I was happy to be apart of something you put together!" Izuku wiped away his tears, "Thanks All Might!" All Might then handed him a medal that said, "THE COMMUNITIES NUMBER ONE HERO!" "Anything you wanna say young man?"

Izuku nodded and went to the microphone, "I wanna say thank you again to everyone who helped me! I shouldn't be the only one getting something today. Everyone who helped should! But I will honor this medal and prove that I deserve it everyday I breathe! I wanna be able to do something like this even more! Maybe a different city or hell maybe even a different country. I wanna bring lasting change. This place will bring lasting change. It will change lives and I fully believe that. So let's get this place opened! Everyone!" He put his right fist in the air and everyone got ready to do it, "LETS GO BEYOND!" Everyone shot their hands in the air, "PLUS ULTRA STYLE!" The Mayor got to the microphone, "I declare this campground officially opened!" The crowd cheered and people ran to setup there campgrounds.

Izuku looked around he saw a man who looked a lot like Endeavor and his family. He saw the Endeavor looking man, his wife, and three kids. An older boy, an girl, and a boy around his age. He decided to walk over towards them. The boy his age bumped into while he was carrying stuff, and he dropped it. Izuku quickly used Black Whip and caught everything, "Sorry about that here you are." The boy grabbed them and said in a monotone voice, "Thanks." Izuku smiled, "No problem. My name is Izuku Midoriya. What is yours?" "I know your name everyone here heard it." He chuckled, "I should have figured that. How is your family liking the camp." He shrugged, "Nothing special. My mom used to come here and she heard about your bringing it back to life so she talked my dad into it." Izuku smiled, "That's why I did it. Now you have a chance to experience this just like she did." He nodded, "My name is Shoto Todoroki." "Nice to meet your Todoroki. Um can I ask a question?" "What is it?" "Um your dad is Endeavor isn't he?" He sighed, "Is that why you came over here to try and get my dad's autograph?" Izuku shook his head, "Nope I was curious. And you look like your my age so why not try and be friends." Shoto gave him a confused look, "So your not here because of my dad?" He shook his head, "Nope. So Todoroki could I ask you a personal question?" "Um sure?" "Follow me so we can get some privacy." Todoroki turned to his sister, "Hey sis I will be back in a second." She nodded, "Ok be quick before dad gets pissy. He already hates public outings." He nodded and Izuku led Shoto towards the lake.

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