Chapter 7: Aftermath

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Inko called Hisashi, "Hisashi? You need to come home now. No more excuses." "Um what is going on? Is Izuku ok? Did something happen." Inko sighed, "Hisashi have you been looking at the japan news at all today?" "Not today. I was planning on catching up on everything that happened tomorrow did something happen?" "Yeah. Apparently during the U.A. entrance exam agents from the Hero Safety Commission were watching to try and recruit people. They tried to recruit Izuku." "Um isn't that supposed to be good? That he impressed them so much they wanna recruit him? And you said they tried?" "Apparently they decided to confront him outside the gates whenever he got to school today. There was no recording of that altercation but from what was said during the second altercation it ended up with Izuku throwing the other agent into the pavement." "I have so many questions. I am assuming he denied and they were pushy. I haven't been in Japan since Izuku was three but from what I can remember the Safety Commission hates not getting their way. And you said there was a second altercation?" "Yeah. Other students recorded the entire thing and sent it to the news. Whenever Izuku left school another agent tried the same thing. From the recording Izuku tried to leave and the agent stopped him. Then the agent brought up us." "What did the agent say?" "Basically he said the Safety Commission would give us a huge chunk of money to forcibly enroll Izuku into their training and hero program. All so a certain someone doesn't have to work anymore."

Hisashi sighed, "What happened next? I know I am a sore subject for Izuku so I can only assume he snapped?" "Hisashi snapped is a understatement. Izuku went on a little rant saying how I would never allow that and from little he knows about you he hopes you would never allow that to happen either. Then he mentioned that he would like to have you home to finally get to know you in some capacity. Then he threatened to bash the agents head in and said the next agent that gets sent to him would be going to the hospital." The line was silent for a moment, "Have I failed as a father?" "Do you want my honest opinion, my wife opinion, or how Izuku sees this opinion?" "First one and then we can see about the rest." "Hisashi you haven't seen him in 13 years. He knows nothing about you. I have tried talking to him but he always just got annoyed and from his perspective I can't blame him. But you got a insanely good job offer and took it. It pays so much you cover our expenses here, Izuku's hero obsession, his workout stuff, and all of your expenses, and we still have a lot of money to spare. At the time we were really struggling for money and you took what you could get to best support us financially and you have done that. But that's all you have done for Izuku. Support him financially. Nothing else. Yeah you have your letters but Hisashi they are the same ones every time. You never even said anything about his letters whenever he still wrote you."

Hisashi spoke, "I know this is only gonna get worse but wife opinion?" "My wife opinion is basically the same as the honest opinion with some extra. Izuku has never been able to come to me with all his troubles. He shouldn't have to. His father should have been here to help him in ways only a father can. There is only so much I can do before he needs a father figure in his life to help with that. You were dealt two horrible hands. Either go overseas and support us with a lot of money but almost never see your son or have us struggle for who knows how long and see your son. Neither one was right and neither one was wrong. You did the best you could of two horrible choices." "Anything else?" "Having to be in a single parent household has been hard on all three of us. You away, Izuku being quirkless for years and the toll that took on him, and then me stuck in the middle trying to ease both sides. I thought I did well keeping things steady but apparently not. Izuku was bottling up so many things and the bottle burst open today. I don't think we will ever get the Izuku we had just yesterday back again. And if we do it isn't gonna be anytime soon."

"I know this is going to be by far the worst but Izuku's opinion?" "He sees you as an absolute waste of air." He coughed, "Ok didn't expect bluntness so quickly. Caught me off guard." "Well this part will be blunt so get ready and deal with it. Izuku has no memory of you. You his own damn father he has no memory of. You never visit to see him, never write anything except that same letter every month, and you never say anything about what he has told you. Did you know he cleaned up an entire beach by himself and that is when he awakened his super quirk? No cause you were away. Were you there when he brought this entire damn city together and more to clean up that abandoned and burned down campground from when we were kids? No yet again you were away. Were you there to teach him how to drive? No. Were you there to teach him the basics of working out or defending himself? No. This list could go on and on. But do you know who was here for all that?" "At this point I am ashamed to ask." "To Izuku you should be ashamed. His mentor Tosinori Yagi was there for everything I listed and more. Izuku sees him as more of a father than you and from his perspective he has ever right to. Even I can't deny that. Yeah he doesn't know everything but I feel like even if he did nothing is going to change his mind. Hisashi you need to come back. It is no longer a thing that I want you to come back and he does. It's a fact you need to come back. Izuku is struggling and there is nothing I or probably anyone can do to try and help. No more trying to come back early. It is either you do or we are gonna need to figure out something different to do cause what we thought was working has clearly not been." Her phone dinged, "Hang on." It was a text from Izuku and she quickly read it, "Izuku just texted. After he had a brake down in front of me about you he ran out the door and left. He said he is staying at his friend Jiro's house." "Jiro? A girl?" "Like I said you have missed everything."

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