Chapter 2: Camp Ground

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An hour passed. Once Izuku dropped Jiro off he swung by the police station, "Hey Miss Tanaka!" The women looked up and smiled, "Hey Midoriya! You here to renew you quirk usage license?" He nodded, "I got three months of summer before school starts so I am planning on doing a lot of volunteer work. Basically gonna live in the woods for a couple months." "And what does Inko have to say about this." "Actually she is proud that I am doing volunteer work. I did promise her that once or twice a week I will come back to the apartment and eat dinner with her. Besides at least once a week I have to go back anyway to do laundry." "Well everyone here is proud of you. We don't know anyone your age do this much to help out the community much less try and bring back a camp ground from being burned down. If you ever need help just call. Any officer here would be willing to help. Did you get permission from the higher ups to temporarily live out there?" Izuku nodded, "Yep. After here I am setting up camp, hitting the grocery store, loading up my fridge, eating, and getting to work until midnight." "You amaze me kid. If you ever run into trouble the emergency hotline knows to dispatch our nearest unit to your location if your number calls." "You don't have to do that." "Kid everyone who knows what you do loves you for doing it. Trust me it's a thank you."

Izuku had just gotten to the camp ground. He looked around and saw that there was another truck there with a camper behind it. Wasn't a big camper but still. He stopped his truck and saw that the other truck was All Might's. Izuku got out and walked over, "All Might! What are you doing here?" "Oh well I wanted to drop off a birthday present." "Um why?" "Young Midoriya I have seen you go from a scrawny young man to a future number one hero. I have mentored you for two years. But you have learned more by yourself then from me. I heard you mention wanting to restore a campground. So I did some research and found this place and I figured you would be here. I also figured you shouldn't be sleeping on the ground so I bought this for you. It has a fridge, a bedroom, the couch can turn into a bed if needed, plenty of room to store stuff, and a bathroom. No shower though. I know a guy and he set you up with a mini water collection system. The camper also has solar power so no problem with energy. This is my birthday present for you. I could not have picked a better successor. You continue doing what you do best and help the community." Izuku was teary eyed and wiped his eyes, "Thank you so much All Might." He smiled and rubbed Izuku's hair, "No problem. I also pulled some strings with the police. Once every hour a police car will come by and look around and make sure everything is ok and leave. They won't be here for more then thirty seconds so don't worry." Izuku nodded, "Thank you so much. I got my work cut out for me so I am gonna get going." All Might nodded and left after unhooking the camper from the truck.

Once he left Izuku started setting up a canopy to put his cooking stuff under. He then set up another canopy to cover his trailer so his wood and tools don't get wet. He then put stakes through the holes and got canopy weights for them to ensure they wouldn't fly away if there was extreme wind. He put fifty pounds on each leg. Izuku then set up his grill. Once he was setup he walked into the camper and he saw All Might already went grocery shopping for him. He got him a lot of waters, burgers, hotdogs, a couple sodas, and some other stuff. Once he saw this he decided to set up his firepit. He brought a decent amount of fire wood so he should be fine for a couple weeks. He smiled and got to work. He set up his cutting bench. He looked around and saw some fallen trees in the distance. He decided those would be excellent for the camp entrance. He then walked over there.

While he was over there another vehicle was coming up the driveway. Once it parked the Jiro family got out and Mika looked around, "Is Midoriya living here? Is he trying to bring this place back to life?" Kyotoku spoke, "Maybe? It could explain all the lumber but I don't know what he is gonna do about the grass." Kyoka spoke, "Speaking of him where the hell is he." Suddenly Mika and Kyoka heard branches break on the other side of the area and Mika spoke, "Is that him?" Out of the woods came Izuku Midoriya carrying six fallen down trees. Mika was star struck and Kyotoku spoke, "I thought you were being over dramatic about the robot." Kyoka laughed, "No way in hell Oldman." Izuku was walking towards them and saw them and spoke, "Hey guys! Give me a moment!" Izuku saw a place to set them down and did. He rubbed his hands against his pants and walked towards them, "I am Izuku Midoriya. Nice to meet you both. I am assuming you all are Kyoka's parents?" He then held his hand out and Kyotoku shook it first, "Yes we are. I am Kyotoku Jiro. This here is my wife Mika Jiro. And obviously you met our daughter." "Nice to meet both of you. I am assuming you have some questions on why I am out here?" Mika spoke, "Yeah. Why exactly are you out here?" "I plan on restoring this place to it's former glory."

Kyoka spoke, "Why exactly. This place burned down a long time ago before me and you were even born." Izuku nodded, "From what I heard this place was insanely popular before it burned down. Everyday during summer this place would be packed. Every single campground slot would be filled with tents, campers, and anything else. Everyone got along and it was just one big community. Every Saturday there was a giant bonfire here and it was a community event. It was really good because there is a massive lake just near by. I wanna bring this place back. We don't have the community like that anymore so I wanna do this to try and bring it back. My childhood didn't have anything like this and I think it would be a lot of fun. Sure maybe our childhood didn't have it but who is to say the younger generation can't. I wanna do something that can help out everyone." Mika smiled, "That is very noble of you. Do you plan on doing this all by yourself? I am sure other people could help." "Originally I was going to but I made some friends in high places and they are gonna find other people to help out." Kyotoku spoke, "Wait friends in high places? Who?" Izuku smiled, "I made friends with the police captain, S.W.A.T. captain, and two of the Firehouse captains." Well that was a shock to the Jiro's and Kyoka spoke, "Wait how?" "You all remember Dagoboh beach?" Mika nodded, "Yeah it was cleaned up over the course of a year. Wait are you saying?" Izuku smiled, "Yep all me. I believe in volunteer work. Almost everyone stopped doing it when quirks came around but it is needed now more then back then. I love hero's I do but I have not seen one do volunteer work. I wanna be the kind of hero who gives back to the community. Sure it may take awhile, blood, sweat, and tears but I will be that kind of hero."

The family was at a loss for words and Kyoka spoke, "Um do you need help in a couple days?" Izuku nodded, "I will always need help. I expect this to take around a half a year to maybe three quarters of a year of work with just me. Hell the first couple months are just gonna be measuring everything, getting wood cut for outlines, and tedious stuff like that. After that is when we need to dig up soil that can't grow grass and replace it and then plant grass seeds." Kyoka spoke, "I will be here to help." Mika spoke, "Same here. Me and Kyotoku have that day off so we will be here to help to." Suddenly a police car pulled up and Izuku spoke, "Give me one second guys." Izuku walked over to the and saw the S.W.A.T. Captain Robert Hicks, "Hey Hicks how you doing." The man got out of the cruiser and smiled at Izuku, "I am here to drop off a list of volunteers that are willing to help you in two days." Izuku nodded, "Thank you so much any help is very much appreciated." Hicks then handed him the list and Izuku quickly read it over, "Jesus. This is what like sixty people?" "Sixty-two. Not to mention a good part of that list have families that will be coming along. I will tell you though someone tipped of a news station so multiple news stations are coming out to report on everything. I know you never wanted to be recognized for this stuff but it got out." Izuku shrugged, "It's whatever. Whatever it takes to get this place to it's former glory." Hicks nodded and then left. Izuku went back over to the Jiro's, "Well looks like I will be having a lot of help in two days." Kyoka spoke, "What do you mean?" Izuku showed them the list, "All of these people volunteered to help in two days. Hicks mentioned that a majority of them have families that are coming along too. Maybe I can get this place ready before school starts. That would be amazing. I am gonna tell you all though that a couple news stations heard about what I am doing so that is gonna be a thing." Kyoka nodded, "Hey anything to get this place ready. You think your gonna be good for two days?" Izuku nodded, "Yep I guess with that happening so soon I have to move some things around that I was gonna do later but I need to do now. Well I got my work cut out for me. You all can go ahead and go." The Jiro's then left.

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