Chapter 12: Training

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Mr. Aizawa had just announced the U.A. sports festival in two weeks, "Class dismissed." Izuku stood up, "Sir could I come up and say something?" "Sure thing just make it quick." Izuku pulled out a paper from his pocket, "So I have gotten explicit permission from Nedzu to allow me and a certain group to train in ground gamma and gym gamma all to ourselves. I have a list of people who I think I could really help and make stronger." Mr. Aizawa spoke, "Midoriya you do know doing this will be making your opponents stronger right?" He nodded, "Yeah that is true but I don't see it that way. I see it as making my future other pro hero's stronger. But anyway here they are." He opened up the paper, "Momo Yaoyorozu, Fumikage Tokoyami, Denki Kaminari, and that's it." Bakugou stood up and slammed his hand on his desk, "ARE YOU SAYING I AM TO GOOD TO TRAIN DEKU!" "No I am simply saying I am not going to deal with your arrogant explosive ass for two weeks. Cause if I do I may blow my own brains out. Also for this group if you do decide to join Nedzu has also allowed use of us to use our hero outfits for training and we have a week to enter any gear we want to use in the sport's festival. Well within reason of course. I doubt for example they would allow Bakugou to bring his grenade bracers. If you do wanna join meet me at Gym Gamma for today right after school. Wear what you please."

Izuku opened the door after grabbing his hero suit case and saw a crowd of people, "Um hi? What is everyone doing here." A boy with purple hair was at the front, "So you are the infamous 1-A and the famous Izuku Midoriya. We are here to declare war on you all." Uraraka spoke, "What does he mean?" Izuku spoke, "People from other classes can join the hero course based on there performance in the sports festival. But it's a double edged sword. If we preform very poorly we can also be kicked out of the hero course." Kaminari spoke, "So they are here for are spots. Great." Izuku spoke, "Look what's your name?" "Hitoshi Shinso." Izuku held out his hand with a smile, "Izuku Midoriya! Nice to meet you!" Shinso gave him a confused look but still shook his hand and Izuku spoke, "Well we gotta go! See you in the sports festival Shinso!" Izuku then walked out and others followed.

About twenty minutes passed and Izuku was in Gym Gamma. He was meditating in the middle and all the people from his list walked in. Everyone was wearing there gym uniforms but they did have some of their hero suit gear with them. Izuku flew down in front of them, "Ok so who here wants to know why I wanted you three compared to the others?" Yaoyorozu raised her hand, "Why me? I think I do pretty well." "Let me answer your question with a question. Have you decided your hero name?" "Yeah the Creation Hero: Creati." "Ok good. But the thing is though your quirk is creation. Your hero name is Creati. But your not creative." "What do you mean?" "You stick to your main arsenal. Bo staff, flash bangs, grenades, stuff like that. Your quirk allows you to literally make anything not living from your body. Anything! Your mindset has always been to stay inside the box. Your quirk allows you to do anything outside the box! Surprise villians with something they would have never though of. That is what I am here to train you on. To be more creative." She nodded.

Kaminari raised his hand, "Um why am I here? No offense but I don't really think you could train my quirk." "You think that?" He nodded and Izuku spoke, "Ok so when you use your quirk you can spread it across a certain distance and up the voltage right?" He nodded, "Yeah why?" "But yet you always release it in one burst. Why not close combat. You would be an excellent close combat attacker but I will get into that later." Tokoyami went next, "I guess I am next." "I chose you because you consider Dark Shadow an ally. Yes he is but he can also be a tool and a weapon. Correct me if I am wrong but Dark Shadow doesn't weigh anything but he can carry things on him right?" He nodded, "Good I know what your doing."

Izuku walked over to Kaminari and he spoke, "Ok so how are you going to help me?" "Easy. So my quirk and yours come out in kind of the same way." "Yeah kind of. Why." "Sit down and meditate with me." They both sat down and closed their eyes, "Activate your quirk and keep the area to be just barely above your skin. Like another layer of skin." "The smaller the field I affect it requires more concentration and focus." "Ok. Activate it to where you think you can focus on something else and keep it going." Kaminari nodded and a dome of electricity 6 feet of diameter appeared. Izuku activated his quirk, "Now I want you to focus on your body. Focus on anything that changes when your quirk fluctuates. Anything. No matter how small." Kaminari was silent for a moment but spoke, "I-I think I have something. Every pulse I feel a very very small shock get sent through my body. It's next to nothing. It appears through my entire body and the next it's gone." "Good. Now the next time it pulses I want you to grab that feeling and do not let go." Kaminari focused and Izuku could literally see every hair on him stand straight up. His hair was stood up kind of similar to Izuku's when he went full cowling, "I see something changed." "I-I feel different. Like I understand how my quirk works a lot more but I don't." "I think I have a good example. The entire time you have been using your quirk it's like eating a dish. Your mixing ingredients together but never tasting them one by one. Now you have. You have a much better understanding of how your quirk works. Wanna try it out." Kaminari nodded and stood up. He activated it again but this time instead of forcing the electricity out he kept it in. Sending it through every part of his body. Izuku got in a fighting stance, "Come on." Kaminari ran at Izuku. But after only putting one foot in front of the other he was half way across the gym, "H-How the hell." Izuku smiled, "I had a theory but you just proved it right. You sent the electricity through your entire body keeping it inside and not letting it out. Well it has to come out at some point. So you subconsciously sent it out whenever your foot landed onto the ground sending you to here. Your new ability just drastically increased your speed and power. Practice it. The more power you send through your body the faster you will be but the faster you go brain dead. You need to find a perfect balance." Kaminari nodded and shook Izuku's hand, "Dude I can not thank you enough! I gotta get this down! What should I call it!?" "How about Shock Cowling. It's similar to my Full Cowling but different." "Shock Cowling it is!" Izuku smiled and walked over to Yaoyorozu.

When he walked over she was sitting lost in thought, "Your up next. You been thinking?" "Yeah but I can't think of anything." "Ok easy you create smoke bombs right?" "Yeah why." "Do that right now but without the bomb. Make the chemicals come straight from your palm. And keep the materials going so it's consistent and not just a quick puff." Yaoyorozu did as he said and she had smoke coming straight from her hand, "Yaoyorozu your quirk is insanely strong. But your limited by your mind. You create grenades and stuff like that. Stuff that requires a container. Yaoyorozu you are the container. Think on that. I can't help you be creative but I think this is a great first step." "Thanks so much Midoriya. I have a lot to think about." "No problem! Hey could I get a big cloak? Like enough to cover an entire body with but it having a head hole?" "Um sure." She created it and handed it to him, "Thanks!" He then walked over to Tokoyami.

"Tokoyami outside. Your training is gonna be fun." He followed outside and handed the cloak to him. He started to put it on but Izuku stopped him, "Who said that was for you? It's for Dark Shadow." He came out, "Why thank you! But why?" Tokoyami put in on dark shadow. Izuku then quickly went behind him and flew behind him, "Get ready for a flight!" He grabbed him from his armpits and flew into the air. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING!" "Look around!" He looked down and he saw the city. The sun was going down and it looked nice. Izuku was flying them over the city, "This view! Its amazing! And Tokoyami you can do this too!" Izuku landed back in the U.A. field, "Look the reason I wanted to train you is because you focus to much on your short range combat and that's great but you need to use your quirk to move more freely. Those of us that can fly should fly." "But how can I fly?" "Here. Have Dark Shadow wrap around you like a snake and extend his arms under your armpits." Dark Shadow did so, "Next is the cloak. Now obviously we don't want him going weak when you 600 feet of the ground cause then splat. Now this cloak is just a basic one but you can get a special one. It will give Dark Shadow complete darkness on most of his body." "Making it so while not making him go crazy it makes him strong enough to carry me." "Yes. Now Dark Shadow defies gravity and he weighs nothing and with him wrapped around you he can carry you easier then just from your armpits. Go ahead and try." They tried a couple times. But after a couple attempts they were 7 feet off the ground, "GREAT GOING! NOW GO AND FLY! BE FREE!" The group flew around and were amazed at everything they saw.

About an hour passed and Midoriya met up with everyone, "So how did that go?" Yaoyorozu, "Very eye opening!" Kaminari, "FREAKING GREAT MY DUDE! I CAN'T THANK YOU ENOUGH!" Tokoyami, "It did feel free up there." "Good! Now these next two weeks are mastering these things you all learned. I will be here to help but I want you all to try and figure this out by yourselves. Only come to me if your stuck. Now let's go!" They left after getting changed.

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