Chapter 57 - It's A Dream

Start from the beginning

"When she is older, we will tell her that her father died because he was a good man. He is gone because his love for her and for you was so strong that he gave himself up so that you wouldn't suffer any longer and so that she wouldn't suffer as she would grow up."

"Yes, but it is hard for me to imagine a life without him. We had plans to get married and finally be together. I just can't get it through my head that he is gone. It doesn't feel real and it's too painful for me. I would have just stayed with Eric if it meant that Ace would be alive and well." I tell her through my endless tears.

"I wish I would have never met him and that he would have never loved me. If he would have never cared or taken me seriously it would have been a different type of heartbreak. I would have been in pain, but I would have been at peace knowing that he would be alive and living his life." I pull my hands away to wipe my face from the tears.

Anna pulls me into her arms and holds me as we both cry. I feel horrible for acting like this. It should be me comforting her.


I awaken to see the bedroom I spent most of my life in. It's still the same as I left it. Mama doesn't want to mess it up or Catalina's room. She has people cleaning it and she makes sure they are gentle with our things. I'm not sure why but it feels nice to be back in here. The only difference now is that I am a different person. My life has completely changed and now my daughter lays beside me, peacefully sleeping.

I took a nap after Anna left with Silas. He gave me a hug and I gave him one back. I can tell that there is sadness under those sunglasses of his that his best friend thought were stupid.

I stand from my bed after giving my little flower a kiss on the head. I head out to the balcony of the room where the sky is dark and there is a beautiful full moon. I close the glass door behind me, and I take a seat on one of the wooden chairs. It really doesn't take much for my eyes to swell up with tears and for me to break down.

It just doesn't feel real. I can't believe he is gone. He was supposed to be here with me now that Eric is gone. He promised that we would be together. I don't understand why he stayed behind. Eric was going to die either way, but he just had to go and get his revenge.

I don't know how I will be able to cope with this.

I spend hours outside crying while occasionally checking up on my daughter. When I feel tired of crying, I go back into my room to sleep. That always helps.


I open my eyes to the warm sun still caressing my skin. The sound of the ocean waves and the feeling of the warm sand underneath me makes me sit up.

"Mama." My little girl's voice sounds behind me.

I turn around to see her and Ace. They're playing in the sand with a small plastic pink bucket and a little plastic shovel. Ace gives me that beautiful smile of his and motions for me to join them.

I stand, dusting off my light blue sundress. I run toward them with a smile on my face. I always am so happy to see them both. They're the most important people in my life.

I sit beside Ace, and he gives me a tender but sweet kiss on the lips. "Amore, you mean the world to me."

"Then why did you leave me?" I suddenly question as he caresses the side of my face with the back of his hand.

"I didn't leave you." He smiles beautifully. "I would never leave you."

"I'm always with you here even when I'm not." He puts his hand over my chest where my heart is.

"This heart belongs to me, remember?" Ace reminds me and I nod.

"Dahlia and I need you, Ace." I remind him.

"And I will always be here for you both." He looks over at our beautiful daughter who is hitting the sand with her shovel.

"Right, little flower." He picks her up from the sand and stands her on his legs.

"Papa." She smiles big, admiring him.

He attacks her with kisses which causes her to giggle, and he laughs at the sound of her. I smile with happiness to see how much they love each other. It's all I've ever wanted, and I never thought that it would come true. The man of my dreams and the baby girl I've always wanted are right in front of me. They now have a face and a name. I want this to be forever. I want to stay here forever.

How I wish this was real. I wish this wasn't a dream.

I would give anything to have this at least just once more in real life. I don't want to wake up.

"Mama." My little flower turns toward me with a smile.

"Yes, beautiful?" I return the smile.


I open my eyes to wake up to my princess touching my face.

I still can't believe she is calling me her mother. It feels like a dream except it's not one I will awaken from.

"Buenos días, florecita." I caress her small cheek with my finger.

"Let's have breakfast so that we can go visit your zia, okay?" I smile when she does.

She recognizes the word because Ace and Anna have been speaking to her in Italian. They were teaching her to call Anna zia which means aunt.

After my good cry yesterday, I decided that I need to go to Ace's house today. It will be painful, but it will be comforting at the same time. I'm going to visit Anna and see if she will accompany if not, I will go alone with my baby.


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