Part 23

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My breaths are fast and unsteady as i whip my head back to see if the psycho is still chasing me with a knife

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My breaths are fast and unsteady as i whip my head back to see if the psycho is still chasing me with a knife. My eyes widen to see he has gained speed on me, my arms are swinging back and forth as i take huge leaps forward, continuing to run. "What do you want?!" I yell in between heavy breaths. "I have to finish my mission, Aurora."

2 hours before

I smile wide as i finally reach my destination. I look ahead to the park that i smoked at with Livvy once before- ok maybe it was a few more times than once.... but anyway. Bottle of tito's in my hand, i climb up the slide and have a seat in the bright yellow tunnel, hidden from the world. I pop the bottle open and take a sip, my eyes closing tightly as i do so. God i have not missed the taste of that. I missed the feeling though.

I take more chugs of the alcohol, then i start to wonder how i got this way. I mean think about it, i'm 15 in a playground at 11pm. Im a fucking failure. My grades are shit, i'm a burden to everyone i know. Anyone that has gotten close to me i've hurt. Like everything that has happened to me is my fault. I look down at my body. I'm hideous. I'm in shorts and a sweatshirt. I take a moment to look at my thighs, i see all the burn marks and look away immediately, disgusted. I'm disgusting. I look around, my vision blurring by the second. I laugh, I don't know at what but i just keep laughing. I look fucking manic. I bring my hands up to my head at an attempt to stop the voices, the judging, brutal, cruel voices that tell me everything i'm doing wrong at any moment in time.

Ugly slut
A Burden

Maybe if i just disappeared i wouldn't be a burden anymore, I wouldn't be extra weight someone has to carry. It's obvious no one wants me at that house. No one thinks i see it but i do. The side stares, the small comments, the gestures, the deep sighs. I see it all. I know i'm a burden and I know everyone is annoyed they have to deal with me. I tried to help them out, we all saw how that went. I can't even fucking kill myself right. I can't do anything.

I hear a noise and pull my lips off the bottle with a popping sound as i drowsily look around. The bushes rustle and i stand up, grabbing onto the bright yellow playground railing as i do so. My vision is dizzy, doing me no good in my current situation. I can hear my heart beating like it's going to pop out of my throat. I walk down the playground steps, careful not to trip or fall, the whole drunk and dark combo is not helping me out right now. The bushes rustle again, and my heart gets louder. "Hello?" I call out, my voice dry and cracking. I walk even closer to the bush, the noise continuing. The noise stops and a bunny pops out of the bush. I let out a relieved breath and smile.

The bunny runs away, leaving me by myself. Suddenly i hear breathing behind me, it all happens so fast. I quickly turn around, to be faced with a tall muscular man, who looks like he just came straight from a 15 year prison sentence. My skin turns to ice as he quickly reaches for a knife in his pocket. I turn to run away and he yanks me back by my hair. I yell out in pain. My scalp is still sore from the last.... incident. He punches me across the face and i see stars. Falling to the ground in a drunken, dark, desperate and hurt daze i let the darkness consume me. He had other plans though. Before i can fall asleep and go peacefully into the darkness he harshly grabs my neck and slams me up against a tree. fuck fuck fuck he's choking me. i'm gonna fucking die.

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