Part 17

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 "It's been three fucking days! She can't stay in her room forever!" Dom yells, is anger radiating off him

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"It's been three fucking days! She can't stay in her room forever!" Dom yells, is anger radiating off him. "She wouldn't eat when i went up there, she wouldn't even move or blink. It's like she's dead but breathing." Tony says. Everyone's faces are either angry or sad. It's been three days since Aurora came home from school claiming to be "Sick". She hasn't come out of her room, eaten, or talked in the span of those three days. I sigh as i say "I'll go up and try again." I go into the fridge and grab a container of jello. Her favorite is cherry.

As i walk upstairs i start to wonder what is making her act like this. Did she find out about her mom? There's no way. I knock on her door, not hearing any answer i slowly open it. My eyes widen as i see the sight in front of me. Aurora is hiding under her blankets, the only presence of her is some of her hair sticking out from the top of them. On her desk next to her bed, there are at least 10 plates of food that looks like it hasn't even been looked at. I take a deep breath in and out as i walk up to her bed.

I sit down next to her, making her roll towards me. She lets in a sharp breath while she does so then shuffled back over to where she was originally. "Aurora. Sit up. It's been three days, you have to eat." I say in a stern voice, hoping she will listen. She doesn't do anything as i begin to grow more frustrated. My brothers and i have been trying to not show our anger in front of her while she is in this state. Most of us have done well, but some are having more trouble then others. Yesterday i had to throw Dom out of her room after he started screaming at her. Dom doesn't do good with this kind of stuff.

10 years ago *

I walk out of the hospital room, my heart heavy as our dad slowly dies, knowing i can do nothing about it. I walk into the waiting room to see everyone but Dom asleep in the chairs. Dom stands when he sees me and strides over to me. "What happened?!" He says in a harsh tone. "Dom, i- he's not going to make it." I say in a sad voice as my eyes water. Dom suddenly kicks over one of the empty chairs with anger. "That's not fucking fair! Why can't we do anything about it?!!?" Dom screams. "Dom that is enough! He's dying, we can't do anything about it!" I yell at Dom. He's only eight years old but he's swearing as if he's 18. Dom lets a tear roll down his face as he goes and sits in one of the chairs next to his brothers, eventually falling asleep too.

I shake that memory out of my mind as i look at Aurora. I observe her face and how it looks skinnier and thinner then normal, he cheekbones are popping out and she looks more pale then i've ever seen her. Enough is enough, she has to eat something. "Aurora if you don't sit up and eat right now, i will make you." I say in a stern voice. When she doesn't move i decide to take matters into my own hands. I walk around to where she's facing and pick her up from under her arms. She groans when i do so, that's the first thing i've heard from her in three days.

I shove down the guilt as i do this. I sit her up and sit next to her with the jello and a spoon in my hand. I put a small amount on the spoon and hand feed it to her. I bring the spoon to her mouth but she doesn't open. "Eat." I say firmly. Out of no where, tears start to stream down her face as she shakes her head no. I put the jello down and put my head in my hands. "Aurora just tell me what happened. Please." I say. She looks at me, her eyes have so many emotions flowing out of them. For a minute it looks like she might say something but she doesn't.

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