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12 Grimmauld Place was just as forlorn as Liza remembered. Its bricks were cracked with age and erosion, the lack of care evident in their worn appearance. A handful of dying thorn bushes decorated the stairs leading up to the door. True to form, Walburga had maintained the house-elf knocker perched on the ebony slab. An iron ring hung painfully from the elf's lips.

Liza shivered and drew her cloak closer about her shoulders, once again reminding herself why she had come. It had been an exceptionally cool summer and despite the August rain, the air brushed goosebumps over her flesh.

The London streets were equally dismal and nearly empty. It was late enough that even the more adventurous youths had returned to bed. The occasional light flickered in a window, just enough illuminance to set Liza on edge.

A hand grabbed her shoulder.

She spun around instantly, whipping out her wand from her waist and observing the defensive form Sirius had made her practice. Occasionally, it was useful to have multiple Aurors-in training at the house.

The cloaked figure instantly gripped her elbow. At their contact, Liza felt herself apparate from the London streets with a sickening pop.

When they resurfaced, Liza opened her eyes to an unfamiliar wood. Several varieties of oak and willow rustled over her shoulders. The jade colour of their leaves was washed in the light of the moon.

"I would have hoped Sirius trained you better than that."

Liza turned around, glaring at her companion. "I've just come from a twelve-hour shift in the spell damage ward. Forgive me for being a bit out of sorts, Regulus."

The younger Black pulled down his hood and she bit back a gasp. An ugly purple gash ran down the right side of his cheekbone, splitting the porcelain of his flesh.

"Don't bother," Regulus held up a hand as she inched forward, ready to heal the wound. "Bella's cursed it so it can only heal the Muggle way. Thinks it will make more of an impression on me."

Eyeing his gaunt figure, Liza bit back a stab of worry. Her friend looked like he hadn't eaten in months. "Hogwarts starts in two weeks. Maybe she'll leave you alone—"

"I'm not going back."

A heavy silence fell over the woods. Only the occasional croak of a toad split the air.

"What do you mean? Even Vol--" Liza shook her head. She had grown far too used to being around James and Sirius. "The Dark Lord has to want to keep his cover. He can't just pull students out of school."

Regulus pursed his lips, a flash of hatred sparking across his silver gaze. The intensity of his anger alarmed Liza. "A luxury that isn't afforded to someone like me." He glanced at his wrist, taking note of the time. "I can't sit and exchange pleasantries. I'm due back within the hour."

Nodding sharply, Liza forced her concerns down her throat. Ever since she had received the note tucked into her workbag, she had known that Regulus was in dire condition. The stubborn prat would never have asked her to meet otherwise.

"What is it?"

For a moment, a satisfied smirk twitched the corner of Regulus's lips. It was the first positive emotion Liza could recall him displaying in years. If she could call the dangerous light in his gaze positive.

"Have you ever heard of a horcrux?"

A Circle of Flame- Sirius Black x OCWhere stories live. Discover now