Chapter 15

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"Complete b—"

"Language," Remus corrected, not bothering to look up from his Potions textbook. He had laid out several additional volumes on top of his bedspread. The sheets were nearly invisible beneath the packets of parchment.

Sirius scowled, ducking his head across the bathroom doorway and exposing a bit of his chest. "Do you have to be such a mum?"

"Yeah, Moony." James had cheered up reasonably after Minnie had congratulated them on their "acceptable music tastes." It was the first word of encouragement the professor had offered to one of their pranks. "Go back to folding your socks."

Shooting his mate a sour glare, Remus flicked the page. His coat was still securely buttoned, and Sirius wouldn't have been surprised if it held some sort of anti-wrinkling charm. Sometimes he still marveled that he was best friends with such a swot.

"You should have heard her, though." Sirius gritted his teeth, swiping a jumper from beneath his bed. Bringing the fabric to his nose, he gave it a careful sniff before deeming it suitable to put on. "Bloody menace."

Chucking a pillow at Sirius's head, James collapsed on his mattress with a groan. He eyed Sirius's clothing with a slanted gaze. "That's my jumper, you git."

"Then how did it end up under my bed?" Sirius didn't bother to add that he had recognized James's cologne. But ever since he had been disowned, nice jumpers were hard to come by. Where better to shop than his best mate's closet?

There was a loud crack as Peter sighed, losing once again to Remus in their endless series of Wizard's Chess matches. "You and James were wrestling the other night. Remember? You broke the bedframe."

A cold draft wafted through the common room, rustling the scarlet curtains that far more resembled tatters than a barrier. James had a strict "no-curtains shut" policy. Except when Sirius brought girls over. But then again, none of his mates were in the tower at that point.

"Nah, the cracked bed frame was from Ella Hopkins," James twirled his wand between his fingers, puffing a tangled strand of hair from his eyes. "Remember? Moony walked in—"

Remus's forehead crinkled into a series of furrows as he buried his head into his hands. "Bloody hell, James I'm trying to forget that."

In response, the bespectacled boy pointed his wand at Remus with a reprimanding tut of his tongue. "Language, Mr. Lupin." His dry expression was reminiscent of McGonagall's.

"I still don't see what's so bad about Liza," Peter piped up absently, analyzing the chessboard in front of him with a slight pout to his lip. "Always been friendly when I've gotten lost in the dungeons. And she hasn't told anyone about-- ."

The smack of a pillow from Sirius quickly shut Peter's mouth.

To his relief, Remus glanced up slightly before returning to his textbook. They all let out a silent breath and James shot his mate a thankless glare.

"She's probably just waiting for the opportune time to use something against us." Sirius grunted, running a hand through his locks and wincing as his fingers caught on a knot. He had used too much of James's hair gel. Considering that James's father owned the bloody company however, he didn't feel much guilt. "Was going on about how much she hated James."

"Me?" James's head popped up from where he was scribbling a cartoon on his Herbology essay. "I've never even talked to the witch!"

Rolling his eyes, Remus set aside his textbook, evidentially giving up on studying. "Maybe that's part of the problem."

Completely ignoring Remus's careful tone, James shot Sirius a suave grin. His hazel eyes were alight with mischief. "So, she's jealous? It's alright mate," he leaned over, nearly toppling from the bed in his efforts to clap Sirius on the shoulder, "the best friend always gets the girl."

"Shove off," Sirius pushed James so that he properly fell to the floor, snapping his glasses in two. Without a second glance, Remus held out a hand and James placed the broken frame gingerly in his palm.

"Oculus Reparo."

The bridge of the glasses remolded onto itself, and James shoved the spectacles back onto his nose. "You're a pumpkin, Remmy."

With a long groan, Remus buried his head into his pillow. "I cannot wait for this night to be over."

"I'll miss the candy though," Peter looked sadly at the open chest at the foot of Sirius's bed, which was overflowing with sweets from his countless admirers. Sirius had tactfully refrained from mentioning that James had purchased half of the products.

"She called James an arrogant, selfish prat," he continued, not all too sure why Liza's comments had stung. The quiet witch was known for having a bit of a tongue, but it was merciful compared to the rest of her house. It was nothing he hadn't heard before.

There was an extended silence as the other three turned to Remus, who was immersed sufficiently in blankets. Sensing their attention, Remus cracked open a chocolate-coloured eye.

"She's not exactly wrong."

"C'mon Moony," James clutched at his chest, feigning pain as he collapsed back on the ground. "Does loyalty mean nothing?"

Sirius ignored his friend's antics, for once feeling rather irritated that James wasn't taking him seriously.

Sirius—he cut himself off from constructing any more puns.

"She doesn't even know you!" He began to pace over the floor next to his bed, nearly tripping over the random textbooks and Zonko's merchandise that littered the boards. "After what happened this summer.. and with Reg. She acts like she can judge me! And you!"

He glanced up, expecting James to join in his tirade. Instead, a Cheshire grin slowly curled the edges of his friend's mouth.

"When you pair finally shag, I want to be on the other side of the castle."

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