Chapter 2

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A pulsing orb of light hurtled directly at Liza's face, a brilliant ball of electric white. She barely had time to duck before the orb collided with the wall behind her, bursting into a cloud of ashes. A few of the particles stuck to the back of her throat and she coughed painfully into the sleeve of her robes. She bloody hated exploding snap.

"Ah, sorry 'bout that, Prewett." George Saunders grinned sheepishly from where he stood beside a shattered window, the glass ground to bits at his feet. Yet, the windows of the train had been charmed to maintain a barrier even if the glass was broken. It was a safety precaution implemented in Fabian and Gideon's second year.

The satisfied gleam in George's eye told Liza he was really not at all apologetic. "Got a bit eager over here."

Liza pressed a forced smile to her lips as she picked her way over the glass shards, trying not to puncture the sole of her flat. Why her brothers loved the rambunctious Gryffindor so much, she would never understand. Then again, they were all cut of the same cloth. "You're fine, George."

The tanned seventh year pulled at the hem of his shirt, only adding to the numerous wrinkles that crossed the fabric. "What brings you to this side of the train?" He wriggled his dark eyebrows playfully. "Need a little amusement?"

"Oi, that's our sister, you prat," Fabian poked his head out from inside their usual compartment. His flushed cheeks were streaked with ash and Liza had a feeling they had been playing the game for most of the trip. Bits of burnt plastic graced his hair.

"Ah, I'm only joking," George winked in her brother's direction, his almond-shaped eyes gleaming sheepishly. Liza had to admit, the boyish charm suited him. "Just got to practice my flirting skills before I meet the real ladies. No offense, Lizzie," he added quickly.

Liza tried to keep the annoyance from pinching her expression. "None taken," she lied. Whether it was due to pressure from her brothers or genuine disinterest, George was always quick to clarify his platonic intentions. She liked to pretend it was the former.

Fabian snorted, clapping his mate on the back with a nod of approval and gestured him back into the compartment. "That's what we like to hear."

Rolling her eyes, Liza resolutely turned away and continued up the corridor, aiming to distance herself from the twins, although she could still hear their roars of excitement from meters away. A stab of longing hit her chest as she thought of Molly back at the Burrow. Her sister was about the only other witch who didn't think Fabian and Gideon were the world's greatest gift.


Liza let out a long sigh. She didn't know who was worse: her brothers or the four idiots she was doomed to collide with. In her thoughts, she had forgotten to avoid this end of the train.

"Not until you ask Evans out again," Sirius Black bounded out into the aisle in his usual rebellious glory. Dark hair fanned his shoulders as he whipped his head around to taunt his friend. Despite the sliver hoops hugging his earlobes, his presence still oozed aristocracy.

Liza couldn't help admiring the hint of stubble that shadowed his jawline. There was a reason the bloke was considered Hogwarts's most desirable. Even some of the Slytherins whispered their Black fantasies in the middle of the night.

Jerking her attention back to the scene, Liza watched as Remus Lupin leaned over from his seat in the compartment. A scarlet-covered book was creased carefully between his hands. The boy was rarely seen without some sort of text. His reserved demeanor paired with his chocolate-coloured eyes made quite a few of the girls swoon. Not that Liza paid attention.

She had sworn strictly off any Gryffindor. Not only would she become an outcast of Slytherin house, but Fab and Gid were sure to shut down any advances from their peers. Not that the house of lions held much appeal to Liza in the first place.

A Circle of Flame- Sirius Black x OCWhere stories live. Discover now