Chapter 8

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"Very nice!" Professor Flitwick squeaked, beaming down at Liza's teacup, which was mid-backflip. He had pulled over another chair to stand upon so he could see over her desk. His brown mop of hair flopped in excitement. "Perfect execution. Ten points to Slytherin."

He waved his wand in the air and released a series of periwinkle sparks to signal the end of class.

Liza smiled, feeling her cheeks flush as Regulus shook his head in mock annoyance beside her. "Thank you, professor." She tapped her wand once more, urging the porcelain into a cartwheel. The teacup abided happily with her direction.

"Show off," Regulus grumbled, prodding at his own cup. It gave a little twitch before resuming its usual motionless state. "Why you have to be brilliant at bloody everything—"

"Is that a compliment?" Liza teased while she reached over to steady his flailing hand. The Slytherin became far too impatient when it came to more delicate charm work. "Has the negative Regulus Black finally decided to turn from his brooding ways?"

Regulus rolled his eyes, pulling on the cuffs of his sleeves as he began to pack up his loose scraps of parchment. The Slytherin took the most intricate notes Liza had ever seen, outlined in glossy cursive. Not that she would ever admit it to his face. "Remind me why I sit with you again?"

"Because Myra's in Herbology," waving her wand in reply, Liza duplicated his notes. She had scrawled her own, but the neatness of Regulus's lines was much more efficient. "And you're the only fifth-year mental enough to move up a grade for their OWLS."

"Only because my parents offered no choice." Grunting, Regulus tucked his papers into his textbook before giving her a glare, letting her know he had seen her make copies. "It's pointless anyways. Who cares about dancing teacups?" His silver gaze darkened as he stared absently at Flitwick. The professor was balancing his most recent stack of books as a step stool. "It's not going to save anyone."

Liza faltered. It was the first time in a week that Regulus had hinted towards their earlier conversation. She hadn't dared to bring up his fears of becoming a Death Eater. If what Regulus said was true, the last thing she wanted to do was push him away. "Maybe not," she tucked her quill behind her ear, ignoring the ink that dripped down the side of her throat. She had forgotten to clean it before using it as a hair pin. "But without some entertainment, how would we be able to stand the pressure?"

The edges of Regulus's mouth twitched slightly as he held open the door for her. The rest of Hogwarts could say what they liked about Slytherin boys, but they certainly knew how to be gentlemen. There were times when their rules of propriety became beneficial. "Where would we be without your eternal optimism?"

"Oh, shut up," Liza rolled her eyes at his mocking tone. She stuck out her foot and was satisfied when Regulus stumbled over the hem of his robes. "Someone has to brighten the mood. Everyone in our house looks like they've stepped in hippogriff dung."

"Well, maybe Dumbledore shouldn't have put us in the dungeons," quipping back, Regulus smirked at a pair of passing fourth-years. The brunette on the right giggled at his attention. "That was his first mistake."

She scowled at Regulus's flirtatious drawl before picking up the pace so the boy wouldn't have time to give any other girls at Hogwarts the side-eye. He was nearly as bad as Sirius. Then, Liza caught herself. No one could reach that level.


Liza frowned at the feminine voice as she spun around. A leggy blonde she recognized as Marlene McKinnon was running towards her, her blonde curls bouncing about her face. Fishnet tights stretched across the skin of her thick legs.

A Circle of Flame- Sirius Black x OCWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu