Chapter 20

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"Interesting choice to study."

Liza looked up to see Myra standing over her, a stack of books clutched to her chest. The girl's dark hair was pulled back into a slick ponytail that accentuated her sharp face.

Following her friend's gaze, Liza winced at the Whomping Willow, which stood only a few meters behind her. As if sensing her attention, the terrifying tree arched its branches so that it looked nearly twice its size. Liza looked up at Myra, covering the bit of parchment she was scribbling on.

"Good place to think. Plus, free of distractions from Sprout's diagrams." Liza didn't bother to open her Herbology textbook. It was the one subject she was certain to fail. It was just difficult to see the point in devoting precious time to plants. Unless there was a poisonous shrub that she could slip into Rosier's tea. "Studying for finals, I see?"

"Oh," Myra appeared slightly abashed before shifting the weight of her books onto her other hip. "Just a bit of fun, really." If Liza hadn't shared a dormitory with the girl for five years, she would have missed the faint colour on her cheeks.

Liza leaned over and stared at her friend's expression. There was shine in her friend's gaze. "Spill."

Instantly, the curious glee was shuttered from Myra's face. Instead, her brow pinched into a scowl. "You're being paranoid." She took a seat beside Liza, reaching to compare notes. Hers were nearly as meticulous as Regulus's. "Merlin, you've been breathing down my neck for weeks."

Feeling highly affronted, Liza yanked her parchment from Myra's grasp. The rash action nearly ripped her writing in half, and she swore under her breath. "Because you've been sneaking around! I'm your best friend. It's my business too." Liza wasn't entirely sure that was true, but she was letting her hurt speak for itself.

"But I can't mention Black's name without you shutting down?" Myra raised a cool brow as Liza flushed. "Even right now, you can't defend yourself."

Spluttering, Liza felt her face burn with frustration. The worst part was that her friend was right. The words wouldn't slip off her tongue. "That's not what—" she gave up, shoving a stack of papers into her bag. "If you're insistent on keeping secrets, then maybe we need a break."

"This isn't a relationship." Myra's tone was cold. Her dark eyes didn't move from Liza's. "You can do what you want."

What she really wanted was to insist they forget the whole ordeal and go to the Great Hall for a cup of tea. But Liza was stubborn. "Fine. I will." She swung her shoulder bag over her arm before stalking across the grounds. The winter air was crisp, and her breath billowed with each sigh. The muscles in her legs protested at her sharp movements.

The instant Liza entered one of the central corridors, she leaned against a pillar and sought refuge in its shadow. Tears pricked the backs of her eyelids. She knew that she and Myra had been drifting apart, but she never would have thought they would get into such a horrid row.

She blinked and a couple stray tears spilled over onto her cheeks before she wiped them away furiously. Never mind that. She could come up with her own interests.

"Alright, Liza?"

Remus had stopped his stroll down the corridor, a concerned furrow to his brow. Liza wondered if she should be asking the boy the same question. Dark circles lined his eyes, and the pallor of his skin would rival that of the Bloody Baron. It made the scars stretched across his face all the more obvious.

"Yes, sorry." Liza scrubbed her cheek once more for good measure. Although she had become more familiar with the Marauders, it still felt wrong to be crying in front of a Gryffindor. "You?"

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