Chapter 5

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Liza's shoulder bag swung in tandem with her satisfied steps as she strode down the corridor. The rest of Potions had gone exceedingly well, with her ordering Sirius around at every step. The Gryffindor had had no choice but to recut every lacewing fly while Slughorn breathed down his neck. She had even directed him to slice a few more ounces than necessary. Still, Liza would daresay it was shaping to be the best potion the git had ever brewed. Sirius hadn't properly paid attention in Potions since last year.

"Hey.. err Liza?"

She glanced back to see Remus fiddling with the end of his scarlet tie, several books clutched tightly under his arm. At the very least, she could appreciate his nerdy obsession. It was a preference that most of Hogwarts didn't endorse. Why read when one could be flying a broomstick or taunting the Whomping Willow?

"Yes, Remus?" the name was foreign on her tongue. It was a stark reminder of how little they interacted.

"I just wanted to--," the brunette rubbed the back of his neck with an awkward shrug. "Sirius doesn't know when to stop himself sometimes."

A grin twitched the edges of Liza's mouth. She stepped out of the way to let a funnel of Hufflepuffs down the corridor. It was nearly time for dinner and the volume was rising to a cheerful clamor. "Bit of a troll, isn't he?"

Remus snorted. "Exactly." There was an uncomfortable pause as the boy shifted the weight of his books into his other arm. "Well, I best be going. James has a plan to bomb the Slythe—"

Letting out a chuckle at the mortification in Remus's gaze, Liza shook her head slightly. "I'll be sure to safely lock myself in my dorm. See you around," she sent a last smile the Gryffindor's way before she turned the corner. Right into the presence of Evan Rosier and Severus Snape.

The latter eyed her with a slight contempt and his lip curled over his teeth. Snape had never been fond of Liza's abilities in Potions and the pair had been in silent competition since first year. Evan, on the other head, looked all too smug at the opportunity to rat Liza out. He was typically spiteful of her friendship with Regulus. It was an alliance that he didn't understand.

"Cozying up to bloodtraitors and spineless rubbish now, are we?" the darkhaired boy lowered his tone to an easy drawl, although his eyes sparked with interest. Liza felt like she was backed into a corner as she tugged on her shoulder strap nervously. They were blocking the only staircase in sight. Behind her, the labyrinth of the dungeons just led to a dead end.

"He was the one who stopped me, Rosier." She tried to swallow the fear from creeping into her voice. Liza felt confident enough that she could handle herself around Rosier, but Severus was another case entirely. Her eyes scanned the edge of his emotionless expression. There were rumors that both were set to join Voldemort's forces after graduation and she was none too eager to test their experience with dark curses. Not with her awareness of Severus's sadistic capacity for revenge.

"Now if you don't mind, I really have to get to Char—"

Evan stepped in front of her path, clicking his tongue in disapproval. "Now, now, Prewett. Things were just getting interesting."

Her escape was going to be more difficult than she had hoped. Liza sank back, slowly retracting her right arm to find the handle of her wand in the pocket of her robe. At the very least, she would be prepared to defend herself. Evan followed her movements, his cerulean gaze lighting up with satisfaction.

"Ready to play dirty, are we?"

"Isn't that more your style, Rosier?"

Hiding her relief, Liza skirted into the cover of the shadows at the dry tone. Evan stiffened as Snape raised an eyebrow, seeming to lose interest as he melted into the tapestries of the corridor. The Slytherin was likely off to stalk Lily Evans. Liza still didn't understand how the spiteful boy had ever managed to be friends with the Gryffindor.

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