Chapter 47

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"You did WHAT?" James threw a book at Sirius's head. His hazel eyes gleamed in disgust. "At least tell us it wasn't in our dormitory?"

The repulsed expression on his face just made Sirius's smirk deepen further. "Only on your mattress."

James immediately leaped from his bed and onto Remus's comforter. The werewolf groaned in protest, narrowly dodging his outstretched arms.

"There are such thing as NEWTs—"

"Hold on," deftly interrupting Remus, James eyed Sirius's confident form. "Are you joking? Prewett's no easy girl to get—"

Peter buried his head beneath his sheets. The blonde had been sleeping more and more as of late. It was starting to worry the rest of the Marauders.

"Before you continue your disgustingly male discussion," Remus closed his book and glared at the pair of them, "at least silence your end of the dormitory."

His bed was a glaring contradiction to the mussed and tangled states of Sirius, James, and Peter's comforters. Remus had tucked his sheets in at each corner and his homework was neatly arrayed on the top of his mattress. A small plush rabbit sat beside him, a gift from his mother when he was young.

"Blame Prongs," Sirius tucked the rabbit, which they had cleverly named "Lucius," under his arm. "He started it."

Grabbing for the bunny, James sent him a scowl. "I did NOT. And it's my turn to sleep with Lucius."

He caught Sirius's eye and they both snorted deviously.

"Thank you." An irritated Remus summoned the rabbit with a flick of his wrist. "For defiling the only happy memory of my childhood."

There was a pause as James stared at the Gryffindor, clearly begging his forgiveness. He widened his eyes into a mock pout. Finally, Remus grumbled and handed the plush over.

"Liza and I shagged," Sirius repeated, eager to boast to his mates. He had finally won the prickly Slytherin over. And somehow fallen in love with her in the process. There were days he woke up and still wasn't sure exactly how he had buried himself so deep.

"And you're whipped." Flouncing Lucius over Sirius's knees, James bent the plush to show Sirius its arse. It was a jest they had continued since their first year. But really, what Muggle sewed an arsehole onto a children's toy?

Sirius pushed aside the rabbit with a grimace. "I think she's it for me." He didn't miss Remus's disbelieving glance. "What?"

The Gryffindor sighed, loosening the tie around his neck. "This is the first ever relationship that you've made official. I would slow it down before Liza gets hurt."

"Why would you assume I'd be the one to do the hurting?" Sirius didn't like the skeptical slant of Remus's shoulders. It was the typical posture he gave right before a lecture.

"Look at your bedpost."

Glancing at James, Sirius shared a grimace.

Carved on the wooden headboard was an ugly scrawl.


Susan Hammond had decorated his bed thoughtfully after their one-night stand in his sixth year. Whatever charm she had used was permanent and Sirius had been unable to take any more girls to his mattress. Which, he supposed, had been Susan's whole point.

"I've changed since—" Sirius swallowed, recalling the weight of Liza's body against his. It was terrifying to have someone trust him. Only the Marauders had treated him as Liza had, and Sirius had always been open about his true nature to his brothers. They were the ones who saw all his flaws and scars and still chose to love him. "I love her."

There was a loud crash as James toppled from his bed, smacking his skull against the wall. Several empty sweet boxes were scattered in the wake of his descent. From the furthest corner, Peter peeked beneath his covers before rolling over. Evidently, they would receive little word from him today.

"Sorry, I think double Transfiguration with the Slytherins addled my brain." James blinked at Sirius before handing Remus his glasses to fix. The frames were bent out of form nearly every week. Twice more during Quidditch season. "I thought you use the 'L-word.'" His tone dropped and James stared mystically.

Sirius curled his lip, narrowly resisting the urge to knock his friend to his feet once more. Only, Remus was certain to throw them both from the tower. "I'm not afraid of it!"

"Bollocks," Remus and James muttered together, the latter at a much higher volume. It had long been their favorite word to chorus.

"I told her I loved her." Sirius lit a cigarette with the flick of his wrist. The familiar scent was a comfort to his nerves. Between the Order, Liza, NEWTs, and graduation, he had been living on edge. "And, it may come as a surprise to you, but she loves me too."

For a long moment, James just stared at Sirius as if he were no longer recognizable. Then, he raised a hand in salute. "I'm proud of you, my friend."

A grin split Sirius's brooding. "Shove off, mate." Still, James's praise made his chest swell. If there was anything he knew for certain about his future, it was that he would make the Potters proud. Not to mention, returning every kindness they had shown him.

"You're no longer the castle's biggest prat." Remus nodded from his mattress. Several strands of sandy hair fell over his brow. "But know that if you do anything to Liza, the twins will flay you alive."

Tossing a handful of Bertie's beans into his mouth, James swallowed thickly. "They'll make Voldy look like an angel, mate." None of the Marauders had forgotten the ferocity of the Prewett twins. Their names had left a legacy for generations of Hogwarts students.

Sirius shot Remus a slow smirk and took another drag from his cigarette. The smoke filled his lungs and he let it linger before breathing the remnants through pursed lips. "That's why we have you, Moons. Something tells me that you'll make Gideon toe the line."

Even Peter glanced up from his curled position to see Remus's response. His watery gaze widened. They had rarely discussed Remus's romantic preferences, wanting to give him time to reference them himself.

Now, Remus just turned a bright red and mumbled something undiscernible beneath his breath. He scribbled another note into his textbook before turning back to Sirius with a satisfied grin.

"You may not use your mattress for shagging anymore, Padfoot." A rare and gleeful light flickered in his chocolate gaze, "but Gid and I find it particularly comfortable."

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