Chapter 37

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"Are you sure you aren't coming?" Liza glanced over at Myra and Lily pleadingly. The three of them were currently in the Gryffindor girl's dormitory. Evidently, the rest of the occupants had already left the tower.

Lily gestured towards her muggle pajamas, which proudly displayed a list of Beatles albums. Leaning against the pillow beside her, Myra shot Liza a sharp look.

"Don't be backing out now."

"This is our only time from some privacy," Lily explained far more gently and gave Myra's left shoulder a reproachful swat. "We want to take advantage of the empty common room."

It was quite difficult for Liza to hide her disgust. She glanced over at her Slytherin friend pointedly. "Guess I don't have to worry about you getting pregnant."

Lily turned a furious red, nearly disappearing into her hair. Meanwhile, Myra just gave Liza a smirk worthy of their house. Her dark skin glowed in the torchlight

"It's one of the benefits of being gay."

Shaking her head, Liza adjusted the collar of her cloak before running a swift tongue over her sharpened canines. "Are you sure I don't look too—Muggle?"

She had little experience with vampires in the wizarding world, but she highly doubted that they wore lacy lingerie under an ebony cloak.

"You look sexy—"

"For once." Myra quickly finished Lily's reassurance and stood to tuck a stray piece of hair back into Liza's bun. She had to stand on her toes to reach Liza's head.

Lily had managed to wrangle Liza's hair into a sleek knot at the top of her skull, emphasizing her sharp eyeliner and crimson lips. Liza still didn't know how to feel about her face being so exposed. Even if she had managed to vanish her freckles for the night.

"Thank you for covering for us," Lily sent Liza a last smile as she opened the door leading back to the common room. "You're a good friend."

Staring blankly as Lily shut the door, Liza shook her head. When had she and Lily Evans become mates? The world was becoming a bizarre place.

She took the stairs from the tower two at a time, thankful that she was arriving late. It meant that the corridors were less crowded, and she had a moment to gather her courage. Her flats were charmed to imitate suede, with straps crisscrossing over her ankles. It would still be a while before Liza found the boldness to wear proper heels.

The entrance to the Great Hall had been decorated in typical fashion. Live bats, likely the work of Hagrid, flew across the ceiling, letting out intermittent shrieks. Several third year Hufflepuffs eyed the creatures nervously from their huddle in the corner.

Several lines of black, orange, and gold streamers arched down the walls, spiraling of their own accord. An orange carpet had been rolled out at the entrance to the hall, but it randomly changed direction, preventing students from entering through the main doors.

Liza turned around and used one of the side entrances she and Regulus had discovered in their fourth year. They had reckoned it was used for the house elves to transport any forgotten dishes at mealtime.

The discrete handle was tucked behind a painting of Merlin, and she gave the frowning portrait an awkward grimace before prying it upwards. The founder of Slytherin house was a fitting display for Halloween. His dark eyes followed her into the hidden passage and Liza was glad when the frame finally swung shut.

Entering the Great Hall was much easier. Liza blended into the midst of a cluster of Ravenclaw couples in the back of the chamber. The silver flasks at their hips were likely carrying something far more potent than pumpkin juice. Liza had learned early on that nerds were simply more creative in breaking the rules. Hufflepuffs were the do-gooders.

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