Chapter 6

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Lily didn't even bother to look up from where she sat in the common room, scribbling on a roll of parchment at a frantic pace. Her scarlet hair was twisted into a neat braid that cascaded down her back. "Not interested, Potter."




"Still not interested."

James leaned back on the sofa with a sigh, pushing his lips into a pout as he folded his hands behind his head. The remnants of their dinner were spread on the table to his left and a few crumbs brushed the side of his mouth. "Why won't she go out with me?"

Sirius gave his friend a consoling pat on the knee from where he lounged on the rug, drying his damp hair in front of the fireplace. It was the best method to tame his curls into a proper shape. The only downside was that the process took at least an hour. "She just hasn't recognized your true worth, my friend."

"Or maybe she just doesn't like you," Remus added kindly from where he perched in an armchair. Several stacks of neatly sorted laundry surrounded his lap.

"Thanks a lot, Moony," James scowled and sat up from his lazed position. His right elbow flung out from behind the sofa, disturbing Peter's game of Wizard's Chess. Sirius belatedly noticed that the boy had been playing himself and he felt a stab of sympathy. They had all been rather preoccupied lately. The image of Felicity's legs filled his mind as his lips twitched. Not that he minded.

Tugging on the crumbled sleeves of a jumper, Remus refused to look up from his pile of clothes. "Maybe if you just moved on or matured a tad, she would have the space to sort out her feelings."

James pause and his brow furrowed in contemplation as he took in Moony's words. Then a large grin broke across his face. "Now, where's the fun in that?"

Letting out a snort, Sirius closed his eyes just as Remus shook his head. The warmth of the fire was making him drowsy. On more than one occasion, he had spent the entire night sprawled on the rug.

"Why do I even bother?"

"Aw, Rem, you love us," Sirius's lips curled into a satisfied smirk. It was far too easy to ruffle Remus's feathers. "Besides, you're currently folding your socks. Doesn't exactly scream 'worldly man' to me."

He peered open his gaze to see his friend shoot him a disgruntled look whilst tugging on the ends of a pair of knee-highs. Sirius made a distinct reminder to burn them at the soonest opportunity. Really, how Remus could have been his mate for six years and still not have gained a bit of fashion sense--

His thoughts were interrupted as Marlene McKinnon sashayed into the center of the common room, her scarlet lips glimmering dangerously. A tight black corset left little to the imagination as she offered the boys a wave.

"Thought it was date night, Black?" she sent Sirius a suggestive wink while James mimed a gag over her shoulder. The bespectacled Gryffindor did not approve of most of Sirius's conquests.

"Ah, I'm a busy man, McKinnon," Sirius let his gaze wander over her glossy curls and extensive cleavage. Merlin, the woman knew how to set a neckline. Heat was already blooming down his torso.

Marlene was quick to notice his attention and she pushed her lips into a playful pout, her hazel eyes glimmering with satisfaction. "Can't convince you to take a little.." she paused, her words slightly breathless, "detour?"

Smirking, Sirius pushed himself to his feet, his palms sinking into the dark crimson threads of the rug. A scantily clad woman was about the only motivation that could pull him from the tower. There was no doubt in his mind that the Gryffindors possessed the best common room. And he would know. The Marauders had pranked them all.

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