Chapter 30

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"Oi, Prewett!"

Liza let out a sigh through her nostrils and closed her textbook. There would be no concentrating with the Marauder barreling towards her.

Sirius seemed alright, not in his usual boisterous state, but no longer punishing himself with waves of depression. His hair was coiled into a twist at the back of his skull, held together with a flower clip that changed colour at random intervals.

"Nice hair," Liza gestured towards his neck, wondering where on earth the boy got his fashion sense. At least Remus had the decency to dress properly.

"Found it under my mattress," Sirius shrugged, oblivious to the sarcasm in her words. "Can't tell if it's from the Ravenclaw last semester or the Hufflepuff before that." His brow furrowed. "Probably the Puff."

Opening back her textbook pointedly, Liza sent him a glare. "You could at least remember their names."

Sirius reached over and pried the hefty tome from her fingers. "It's not only blokes that use women, Prewett. Every lass that's been with me has gotten something as well."

"Like what?"

"They get to pretend that they broke the mysterious exterior of Sirius Black." The boy in question offered her a tight grin. A shadow flickered in his eyes. "They buy tickets to the show and enjoy the notion that they would be the one to break my wild streak."

Liza frowned. "So, you're selling yourself?" She didn't know what to make of the bizarre wording.

"I'm selling an idea. And in return, I pretend I actually am that bloke for the night." Sirius nonchalantly flipped through the text. "Merlin, woman, why are you studying NEWT-level Charms?"

"I want to be a Healer." Liza took Sirius's bait knowingly. She hated how the Gryffindor deflected just when he was beginning to open up. But she supposed it was better than Regulus. Her friend was wound up tighter than Devil's Snare.

Sirius set the textbook back on the table with a disapproving grunt. "Always the swot. That's what Evans wants to do as well. Maybe it's a ginger thing."

Trying not to let her alarm show, Liza shoved her book back into her bag. There was no way she could compete with Lily and St. Mungo's was a competitive program. "And what do you want to be? A male prostitute?"

The jab was low, but Sirius didn't appear to be offended. He grinned and tilted back farther in his chair. "At least I'd bring in the bills. But really, I'm going to be an Auror."

"Do you have the marks for that?"

"Ah, Baby P." Sirius shook his head in disapproval, his flower clip flashing a bright yellow. "You have yet to learn the art of deception. Skip class and pass all the exams. More free time," he held up a finger, "and exceeding every professor's expectation," a second finger followed the first.

Liza stabbed her quill into its case moodily. "Well, I suppose we all can't be natural talents." She gestured towards the circle of Ravenclaws at their usual center table. "Now, either study or be quiet. You'll get Pince after me again."

"She's an old shrew." Sirius pursed his lips in dislike. "Never could flirt my way into the Restricted Section. But then James got the cloa—"

"The what?" Liza looked up with interest.

Her companion scowled. "You're a snoop, Prewett. "Now come on," he stood from the table and gestured towards the outside. "The day awaits."

Beyond the window, the grounds of Hogwarts rolled in a bright emerald over the earth. Several black clumps indicated groups of studying students and class practices. The March sun was a cheerful golden and its rays glimmered against the reflection of the windowpane. It was the sort of day that beckoned the passerby outdoors. Even Liza had a pull to frolic on the grass.

A Circle of Flame- Sirius Black x OCWhere stories live. Discover now