Chapter 48

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"Potter's outdone himself."

Liza tilted her head, letting the weight of her ponytail drape over her right shoulder as she observed the crowd in the kitchens.

From beside her, Sirius reached over to graze the inside of her thigh. "I know. Couldn't host it in the tower this year without Minnie blowing a fuse." He took a swig of Firewhiskey before offering it in her direction. "We'd have detention until the last day of term."

"Which will likely happen regardless." Taking an innocent sip, Liza stepped out of the way of a tipsy Ravenclaw couple. They slipped into the pantry with a pair of giggles and Liza made a mental note to avoid the pastries tomorrow at breakfast. "However did you get the house elves to abandon their post?"

Sirius waved a dismissive hand and hummed under his breath. Wrapping his arms around her, he swung her in a playful spin. "We've been friends for years. They agreed under the condition that James would never share the kitchen passage with anyone else. Want their privacy once we graduate."

He caught sight of Liza's skeptical brow. A Cheshire gleam covered his grey orbs. "Naturally, we won't tell a soul. Anymore. I'm afraid Prongs has let quite a bit slip over the years."

A chuckle burst from her lips as Liza shook her head and wiped the edge of her lip. She had used a crimson lip stain and was hoping that the colour lasted throughout the night.

"Want to get out of here?"

Sirius's whisper brushed the inside of her ear and Liza closed her gaze, letting his seductive tone send shivers down her spine.

"Again, you're alright with ditching your best mate's party?"

A loud cheer nearly drowned out Sirius's reply as Rodney Simmons of Hufflepuff and a fifth year Gryffindor began a series of successive shots. She grimaced. The house elves would never allow James to return.

"Yeah, let's escape before the vomiting begins."

She grabbed Sirius's hand and pulled him from the kitchens. The corridors were blissfully silent in comparison to the chaos of the party behind. Moonlight filtered through the windows in silver streams and Liza winced at the waxing form in the sky. She and Severus needed to do a last test. One where they swallowed the Wolfsbane potion for themselves. Just to ensure that there were no specific effects on the human form.

"Where's Peter?" Liza distracted herself from thoughts of the brew as Sirius led her up a side set of stairs. She was still amazed by the easy way he navigated the corridors. There was little doubt that the Marauder could find any location from feel alone.

"Dunno, said he wasn't feeling well."

Liza frowned at Sirius's casual response. She hadn't forgotten she and Peter's earlier discussion about the Order. Yet, she had not confronted her boyfriend about his involvement. Maybe she was simply waiting for Sirius to come to her first. But time was rapidly running out.

"I think he's scared about what's to come after graduation." Chewing on the edge of her lip, Liza tried to be as vague as possible. Based on Peter's terrified stance, she reckoned that he didn't want Sirius to know the true depth of his thoughts. "With the war, the uncertainty—"

"He has us," Sirius appeared unbothered as he bounced up another landing of stairs. A portrait of a beautiful and dark-haired woman blew him a kiss. To Liza's private relief, the Gryffindor waved platonically in response. "He won't be alone."

His optimism was a bit off-setting for Liza. She knew all too well how loneliness crept in the most crowded of places. "But you three are always in the spotlight, especially you and James." She tugged Sirius's arm gently, forcing him to look at her. "I think Peter is already feeling outcast. I don't think trust comes as easily to him as the rest of you."

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