It was moments like these that made Liza feel stupid for not catching on before. Sure, the passerby would assume nothing rather than being surprised at a Slytherin and Gryffindor alliance. But Liza had known Myra for years. The pair was certainly besotted.

Lily pulled away, clearing her throat as she turned back to Liza. "Mary's working overtime as Flitwick's choral assistant. I wager she hopes to take over the music department after graduation. Marlene—" she wrinkled her nose. "Still a bit stuck on Sirius, but I reckon Ellie Gilwald from Ravenclaw will sweep away the last of that."

Liza didn't miss Myra's pointed look at Sirus's name. She frowned, focusing on the latter part of Lily's news. "Ellie? As in the prefect?"

"Marlene's the first person that got me questioning my sexual interests." True Lily Evans, the statement was barely audible. The Gryffindor Head Girl picked a piece of invisible lint on her skirt. "She's never been particularly concerned about hiding who she is. Although, I'd appreciate if you didn't mention Ellie."

Shaking her head, Liza squeezed Lily's hand briefly. "I wouldn't." She let out a snort, trying to make her reply casual. "I'm surprised she's ready to move on from Sirius. They've been attached at the hip since fourth year."

"More like attached to the bed."

Exchanging a shocked look at Lily's dry statement, Liza and Myra burst into a fit of laughter. Lily joined them after a moment, burying her face in her hands.

"Really! They are." Lily shook her head, pulling the weight of her hair from her neck and drying the perspiration. "Although, I've always told Marlene their—arrangement was more about escape than attraction. Merlin knows that Black's always dodged the first hint of true feelings."

Liza sent a questioning glance at Myra and her friend pursed her lips, shaking her head with a subtle jerk. Lily remained unaware of Liza's history. She felt rather grateful that Myra had protected her secrets.

"You think anyone will ever settle him down?" Liza watched Lily closely, forgetting to pretend that she wasn't interested. Still, the Head Girl had been the sole object of Potter's affection for years. There were few who would know Sirius better outside of the Marauders.

Pursing her lips, Lily mulled the thought carefully. "It certainly wouldn't be easy. Sirius has a bag load of rubbish that he's only added to over the years." She let the mass of her hair fall back into place over her shoulders. "He would need to open himself up. And so far, James is the only one that's managed that."

Myra snorted. "He and Black should just run off together at this rate. Wouldn't be much different than the way they currently fawn about the castle."

Lily sniggered in amusement. It was the least proper sound Lily had ever heard her make. "I told Potter just the same last week. He didn't find it as likely as you."

"That's because he's hopelessly obsessed with you, darling." Myra sent her partner a furtive wink.

Not wanting to subject herself to anymore romantic torture, Lize gathered up her things and sent the couple a final wave.

"Got to run to Charms! See you both later."

Liza stepped around the bookshelves that securely enclosed their couch. The aisles here were largely on Muggles, another reason for the lack of audience. For her own amusement, Liza pried a faded title from among its companions.

"Little Women." Liza wrinkled her nose. "Muggles never fail in their creativity."

Replacing the book, she wove her way through the rest of the library until she reached the main doors. Although she and Myra were no longer at odds, Lily was certainly a jarring addition. Liza didn't know what to do with herself when the pair was enamored in a world of their own. She could only hope they remained safe.

The world was not often a welcoming place.


"So, Pads," James jogged up to where Sirius was busy stripping off his practice robes. The fabric was soaked with sweat from their latest session. James never failed to take his duties as captain exceptionally seriously. "How are things with you and your friend?"

Sirius shot him an unamused scowl. It had taken several minutes for James to recover from his fit of laughter after he had informed him of his encounter with Liza on the train. "Haven't seen her."

A well-aimed Quaffle hit his spine with a painful smack. Whirling around, Sirius tossed the ball back at James with a careless snap. The bespectacled boy easily dodged it before replacing it under his bicep.

"That's because you asked to be mates, you prat," James shook his head in exaggerated disappointment. His glasses were in immediate danger of slipping from his nose. "Everyone knows that 'friends' is code for never seeing them again."

Shoving his Muggle t-shirt over his head, Sirius bought himself a moment to reply. The conversation with Liza had not gone at all the way he had planned. "She wouldn't stop fidgeting, mate. It was like she wanted to get as far away from me as possible."

"You did snog her in the middle of the Quidditch field and then ignore her for weeks."

"Very helpful, Prongs," Sirius gritted his teeth as he pulled on his sneakers. "Thanks."

"I'm just saying," James finally adjusted the angle of his glasses. His hair raggedly spread in various directions from his scalp. "She's gonna take a bit to warm up. It's your turn to pursue the lady, Pads."

Sirius shook his head as they walked out into the warm air. The September sun had yet to soften its rays and every practice had been miserable and sweaty. "That's more your domain. Besides, I'm not so sure it's working out." He clapped James on the shoulder to demonstrate that he meant no harm.

There was a slight pause as James stopped walking, a pained look shadowing his hazel gaze. "I feel like I'm just getting further away. Reckon I'm not going to win this one."

Their avoidance of Lily's name had been intentional. Peter had even jinxed himself to hiccup whenever he mentioned the redhead. The boy was prone to forgetting their agreements.

"Then maybe it's time to find someone who will appreciate you." Sirius shook his head, gazing across the castle grounds. Sunset had dappled the stone with hues of gold. "Without all the dramatics and wooing."

A slight grin broke James's crestfallen expression. "Padfoot, I am dramatic. Consequence of being a Marauder."

Sirius snorted, resuming their stroll back to the common room. "Not so sure Remus and Peter would agree."

His friend stared at him skeptically. "Have you ever seen Peter when he's run out of chocolate wands from Honeydukes?"

A bark of laughter burst from Sirius's lips as he recalled the many times they'd had to sneak into Hogsmeade to supply Peter's appetite. "Suppose you're right."

Filch sent them a dark glare as they entered through one of the side entrances typically reserved for staff. An enormous silver bucket, likely charmed by Flitwick, accompanied the caretaker as he mopped the halls.

"Just do me a favor," James paused once more at the end of the corridor. "Just see where it goes, Pads. You owe both of you that much."

Letting out a long sigh, Sirius pushed away the immediate hesitation that rose at the thought of Liza. He was certain that she would not let him play a role the way the others had. She wanted the real him, not a pieced together Gryffindor rebel. And that was terrifying.

Still, James's gaze was impossible to evade. He had inherited the quality from Euphemia.

"I promise."

"Good," James finally cracked a grin, lowering his voice as he leaned closer. "I reckon Filch looks much too pleased with himself, don't you?"

Sirius smirked, already devising a plan that ended with Filch dunked into his bucket. The caretaker was really in need of a bath.

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