"And who do you plan to hand me off to?"

It was early evening, and the corridor was mostly empty. A few late stragglers dashed down the hall to snag dinner before the house-elves cleared it away. Shadows grew on the stone floor.

"The Marauders."

Liza choked on her own saliva. She coughed furiously into her arm.

"We had a nice chat with Potter the other day. He mentioned that they had been interested in incorporating you in the group." Fabian gave her back a harsh thump for good measure. "Seems he was also worried about Slytherin influence and rather sorry you hadn't any friends."

There was a slight pause as Liza ground her heel into the cobblestones. The thin material nearly snapped with her growing rage. Just who did James think he was? She tried not to think about Sirius's kiss. Perhaps that too was part of their pity act.

"Honestly, I would have been better off without them interfering in my life," she could barely get the words through her gritted teeth. Since their time on the Quidditch field, Sirius had only been available in passing and even then, he refused to meet her eyes. "They cause more problems for me than Reg."

Fabian and Gideon both shrugged. Before Liza could register what was happening, Gideon held her by the elbows with a vise-like grip. She was unable to reach her wand no matter how she kicked at his shins.

"Here," Fabian flicked his wand and Liza's robes melted to form a silk dress. The fabric floated in layers down to her knees before ending in a ragged cut.

Gideon eyed the outfit with scrutiny "She looks like she's attending Marge's funeral."

All three of them grimaced at the mention of the judgmental relative.

"One can only hope." Fabian shook his head before giving his wand a final tap. The material covering Liza's chest flared bright red. Soon, there was no black to be seen.

Releasing her, Gideon deftly ducked Liza's smack to his head. "You'll thank us later, sis. Now off to the common room."

"I assume you two will be changing into dress robes?"

The boys grinned. "Lizzie, we're perfect in our natural state."

Liza glanced back towards the dungeons mournfully. She had been reaching a breakthrough with the Draught of Living Death to make its potency less deadly. Her fingers itched to be back at the cauldron.

"You can come willingly or with force," Gideon gestured towards his wand. "Please let me choose the latter."

Scowling, Liza led the way up the flight of stairs. Her newly crimson heels clacked professionally against the marble. If she had let the twins have their way, she would likely end up with permanent hair loss.

It was only a few moments before they were in front of the portrait of the Fat Lady, who looked none too eager to see the twins. Liza reckoned she had seen her share of ginger horror.

In fact, the portrait swung forward without bothering to ask for the password. Her hinges creaked stiffly and Liza cast a questioning glance at her brothers.

"Had a rough night in third year," Gideon was entirely unashamed as he stepped through the gaping hole. "Ol' Eliza learned from then on not to refuse us entry."

The rest of his response was drowned out by the roars and cheers that were already resonating in the common room. Liza stiffened, trying not to let the anxiety pull at her nerves. Her last night in the tower had not been pleasant.

An enormous banner had been strung over the entryway, its letters changing at such a rapid pace that its messages were barely discernable. She squinted her eyes.

A Circle of Flame- Sirius Black x OCWhere stories live. Discover now