Without waiting for a response, she pushed her way past her friend and headed to the library. Outside of the Quidditch pitch, it remained her sole place of refuge. It was nearly empty this time of morning. Only a group of Ravenclaws worked at the center table, their discussion a muted hush of murmurs and nods.

Giving a quiet smile to Madam Pince, she settled down at a desk at the corner of the room. The Transfiguration homework McGonagall assigned that week was horrid and it would take her most of the day to complete it.

"Er, Liza?"

She glanced up to see Remus standing over her, fiddling with the strap of his bag. A grimace fought to emerge onto her face. Was she really to have no peace?

"Yes, Remus?" She let out a sigh, hoping that she didn't sound too rude as she set her parchment aside.

"Could I sit with you?" The Gryffindor appeared even more nervous than usual as he pointed over to the chair across from her.

Liza gestured with her palm. "I'm fairly certain that's the one James carved his and Lily's initials all over. Practically yours at this point."

There was no response of amusement as Remus slid into the chair. Instead, he fiddled with the end of his quill, plucking bits from the shaft. At this rate, it would be bare before noon. "Listen, I—"

"Remus?" Liza's tone was quiet, but kind. She had been struggling not to pity the Gryffindor. Knowing Remus, it was the last thing he would want. But the image of his transformation would not leave the recesses of her mind. "If this is about last month, you really ought not to worry about it. I won't tell a soul."

The boy refused to look into her eyes and instead straightened his tie for the umpteenth time. The fabric was smudged with ink from his fingertips. It was a rare sight for his usual prim appearance. "I know you probably think I'm a monster—"

"Hold on," Liza shook her head. "Whoever put monster out there? I said no such thing."

Another pause weighed the air. Remus cleared his throat before foraging in his bag. He pulled out a chocolate bar and took a bitter bite. "I am one." She almost missed his soft reply.

Watching his movements closely, Liza was still rather confused about what chocolate had to do with anything. It was a rather odd addition to their conversation.

She sighed before walking to the left side of the library. The wire stands in the corner constantly revolved with updated copies of the Daily Prophet. Thumbing through today's edition, Liza stopped on the story of a muggle family who had been killed not far from Hogsmeade. One of the children's bodies was still propped up on the bed.

She strode over to Remus and set the article before him. "These, Remus, are monsters." Of course, none of the murderers had been caught. But when one worked on Voldemort's right hand, that was no surprise. "Monsters are made by choice, not by circumstance."

Remus swallowed, his Adam's apple bobbing against the flesh of his throat. "Death Eaters are a bit of an extreme example—"

"And yet you're throwing yourself in the same lot." Liza shook her head, setting the paper aside. The photographs were giving her chills. "Remus, anyone who doesn't see your worth doesn't deserve to make any judgements about you." Her lips quirked slightly as she tried to lighten the air. "And don't tell the others, but you're not so bad for a Gryffindor."

A sad laugh rumbled from Remus's chest, although she was glad to see a hint of relief in his gaze. "Your house would kill you for such blasphemy."

Liza winked, "then it's our secret, right? Honestly Remus," she looked down back at her chart. "You've got to stop punishing yourself. You're going to miss out on everything good."

A Circle of Flame- Sirius Black x OCWhere stories live. Discover now