"Now look what you've done, Prewett."

The flood of anger Liza had been attempting to restrain back all day came rushing back, destroying any strength she had mustered to remain hospitable. "Excuse me?" she hissed, snapping her quill with the tightness of her grip. She made no motion to repair it. "You're the one who started all this in the first place!"

Sirius rolled his eyes, flopping down onto a chair and tilting it back until his long tresses brushed the wall. It was a miracle that his skull didn't crack against the floor. Much to Liza's disappointment.

"Honestly, it wasn't that bad. Most women are glad to be within five centimeters of this," he gestured towards his body and wriggled his tight trousers.

"Well, I certainly didn't enjoy having my reputation tarnished." Slamming down her quill, Liza accidentally bit her tongue, filling her mouth with an iron tang. "I won't be able to look anyone in the eye for weeks!"

The Gryffindor snorted. "Please. You're not that special," he pried a bit of gum off the desk and began to roll it between his fingers with boredom. "I give it a day for people to forget all about it. Two tops, if we include your unnecessary outburst."

Liza narrowed her eyes. "I don't know how it is for you Gryffindors, but for a Slytherin reputation is everything. And we don't forget easily."

Seeming entirely irritated, Sirius slammed the legs of his chair back to the stone. "Don't act like you weren't about to do the same thing." His tone had turned venomous as he leaned closer, his messy waves adding to his unhinged appearance. A faint sheen of worry still darted in the back of his irises. "I just made the first move."

"WHAT?" Liza was utterly confused. Her head ached and she rubbed her temple roughly as she tried to make sense of the boy's vague accusation. "What would I— hold on. Is this about what you said about Reg?"

But Sirius had already turned away from her confrontational stance, beginning to kick scraps of parchment together with moody movements. "So, you do have a bit of a brain after all." He waved a dismissive hand at Liza's outraged expression. "Prewett, any other night I'd love to engage in a little banter over your supposed innocence. But right now, I have a lot on my mind. Please shut that delightful mouth of yours."

"I will no—" Liza broke off as Sirius buried his head in his hands, clutching at the roots of his dark hair as he tilted his neck to gaze out the latticed window above the stairwell. A wash of moonlight bathed his sharp features. She frowned. If she hadn't known better, she would say Sirius looked concerned.

"What is it?"

The Gryffindor gave no response and Liza clenched her jaw, letting out a low growl. Tension lined each of his muscles. "Listen Black. If you don't tell me what's going on, there's nothing I can do for you."

Sirius laughed, although there was no warmth in the sound. It was a horrible mimicry of Regulus's tone. "Right. Like you wouldn't use it as an excuse to exact some sort of revenge." He tapped his chest. "I grew up in a house of snakes, remember?"

"And I take offense that you group us all in the same category," Liza crossed her arms over her chest, her lines forgotten. "I still despise you. But something's going on. You seem," she was about to say serious, but there was no way she was setting herself up for that pun again. "Troubled."

The Gryffindor paused, unwilling to tear his gaze away from the window. The night sky remained unchanged by his intensity. White stars glimmered in a swath of velvet.

"Unless you can get me out of this ruddy detention, there's nothing you can do."

Liza twirled the broken half of the quill in her fingers as she contemplated Sirius's slumped stance. She noticed a muscle twitch in his jaw, and it was impossible to hold back a bitter smile. He and Regulus shared far more tells than they realized.

A Circle of Flame- Sirius Black x OCWhere stories live. Discover now