Regulus stepped forward from the stairwell, his jaw clenched as he leaned over Liza's shoulder. Liza noticed with a stab of satisfaction that he had grown taller over the summer and now beat both her and Evan's statures. It afforded him a bit of intimidation. If the Black Crest wrapped around his right thumb wasn't enough.

"I just like to have a bit of fun, Reg," Evan twirled his wand in his hand, tossing it easily. However, the casual slant of his movement was disconcerting. It reminded her of a poised cobra, its head dancing before an attack.

"I would be careful who you let your," Evan paused, letting his gaze wander over Liza's figure. His malevolent orbs made her flesh feel sullied by their touch. "Your attachments be shown to. Can't afford weaknesses in times like these."

The younger Black looked unbothered, his shoulders stiff and unbending as he met Evan's gaze evenly. "I would say you can't afford to make threats so carelessly, Rosier." He craned his head in Liza's direction. "Might pick a fight you can't win."

Scoffing, Evan returned his wand to the cover of his robes. "Please. I could disarm that bloodtraitor before she could remember a countercurse." He gave Liza a mock salute as he backed down the corridor, his gaze never leaving her face. "Til next time, Prewett."

Waiting several moments to be sure the Slytherin had gone, Liza turned back to Regulus with a shake of her head. The corridor was now entirely absent of any passerby. Their only companion was a marble statue of Salazar Slytherin that lurked in the corner. His pupilless eyes shifted over them as she grimaced. "Thanks for that. Thought I might get my first dueling detention."

Regulus didn't appear amused by her teasing tone, and he spun around towards the stairs, already moving away. "You need to be more careful."

"Hold on!" Liza lunged forward, grabbing onto the sleeve of his robe. She was not about to let the boy slink away again. "What is going on?" she demanded, scanning Regulus's silver gaze. He refused to look her directly in the eye. She opted for softer tone. "Why are you avoiding me?"

Regulus pulled himself lose from her grasp with a harsh tug, the movement causing her to stumble off balance. It was enough time for the Slytherin to distance himself securely away from her reach. "Just leave me alone, Liza."


Liza narrowed her eyes. Meeting her challenge, Regulus's silver orbs pierced hers as they engaged in a nonverbal sparring match. It was in times like these that Liza reminded herself of Regulus's younger age. There was no reason for her to stand down to his poorly built defense.

She must have won their battle because eventually Regulus's shoulders slumped, and he jerked his head towards the door of an empty classroom. Many of the chambers in the dungeons remained empty. Few professors were eager to conduct their affairs away from the rays of the sun. Not to mention, many of the classrooms on this level held views of the Black Lake. It was not rare for the merpeople to slam against the class, amusing themselves by frightening the first years.

Holding back a sigh of relief, Liza pushed open the door and ensured that no one was watching before she ducked inside. Her hip slammed into an upturned desk, and she bit back a yelp of pain. The tender flesh throbbed at the impact.

"Lumos." Regulus flicked his wand and the dark shadows dispersed, revealing a few dangerously leaning towers of chairs. Besides those, the stone chamber was empty. The light from his wand flickered like a candle over the space. "You're worse than a dragon in a tea shop."

"Oh, shove off," Liza retorted, rubbing her sore skin. She would never mention it, but Regulus could be nearly as irritating as his brother. The family resemblance was certainly easy to spot. "Now tell me what's going on."

A Circle of Flame- Sirius Black x OCWhere stories live. Discover now