
Start from the beginning

"Niall, what are your injuries?" Zayn asked after greeting Baela with a strong pat to the shoulder.

"Just a broken arm and a few deep cuts on my shoulder. Nothing too serious." Niall had made a sling from his shirt, but the cuts were left exposed.

Zayn stared at the blood with blank eyes, though the cuts were deep enough to raise concern. "Baela, find a first-aid box."

Baela had a few minor cuts on her, but she was otherwise unharmed. Zayn was glad. Baela had shown that she was a strong fighter.

Zayn greeted the rest of his pack by returning their brief nods and asking the ones who were hurt to find Baela who would have something to help clean their wounds.

Zayn followed them back into the house. Junes' grumpy Beta squeezed them all into the nearest room with couches and beanbags and a full left wall stacked with board games and DVDs.

Zayn stood by the door to the room, watching his pack help each other with injuries, and lift each other's moods and push a smile out of those who were close to tears.

Zayn knew he stood in his dad's shoes in that moment, proud of his pack, united by the courage and spirit of one of the most powerful packs in the country. Though tonight, Zayn and his pack had been shunned from their home and targeted at a safe event. Zayn had no idea who was really behind the attack. He doubted the southern wolves acted alone. After the Shadow Pack's failure to help, Zayn suspected that they were in on the attack, wanting to sabotage Zayn's Alpha position because of what happened to his father.

There was no better way to prove that Zayn was a bad leader by invading his home right under his nose. But Zayn wouldn't back down so easily.

"Wolves," Zayn boomed and the room silenced. His pack turned to look at him, so Zayn stood tall on the chair.

"Tonight, has been a test of your loyalty to your new Alpha. Without question, you came to my aid and for that, you've gained my trust, and I yours. Times have been hard for us as a pack, but we must bind together now and fight for what matters to us. We must fight for our home." A few wolves shared enthusiastic agreements.

"We must fight for our status." More wolves cheered. "We must fight for the survival of Ethdellin Pack." Every wolf in the room cheered. Some raised fists, some clapped, some whistled. Zayn looked around at all the faces. "We might be in low spirits tonight, but this fight is only just beginning. We will end on top." The pack cheered again, and Zayn stepped down from the chair. "Rest now wolves. At dawn we will make a plan."

The pack clapped Zayn, and for the first time, he felt like their Alpha.

Zayn decided to leave them to settle for the night. As he moved down the corridor, his mother fell by his side, matching his long strides. "You sounded like your father."

Zayn's heart twisted. "I know."

"I'm proud of you."

Their eyes connected. "I'm glad nobody was seriously hurt."

"Me too. The last thing we needed was to lose wolves when we have to fight to get our home back. Maybe we can convince Junes to help usif we bribe him with something."

Zayn grunted a response, not minding that his mother followed him into the room where Liam was sleeping.

Louis stood with a smile.

"Liam's talking about you in his sleep," he said. Zayn turned to Liam, still curled up how he left him. Cute.

"I tried to phone home. There was no answer." Louis looked to Solana, worried. "I'm sorry my parents left you guys to fend for yourselves. As much as I love them, I know this means they're up to something. I just hope they haven't gone against family. My mum can be tough at times, but family means a lot to her."

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