"Wow Sweetie" Mom yelled. 

When I  woke up I had Raya clinging onto me and Chat clung onto her. I smiled, Remembering all the times Nathan had held me when I couldn't sleep or when dad was drunk again. 

I instantly frowned, he shouldn't of had to do that, he should've had someone to hold him, he should of had someone else other than me to comfort him. I wasn't enough to help him.

I carefully Moved Rayas arm off of me and quietly started to look through her stuff to find my cigarettes, or literally anything to help me drown out everything. 

I found them in the pocket of her jacket that she was wearing that day. I sneakily swiped them and went into my room to get dressed. I put on the same outfit i wore to the party since it was the only nice clothing I owned.

I grabbed my phone and smokes, as well as a lighter, and walked out of the house.

It was only 9 in the morning, school would've started 15 minutes ago. I sat down on the concrete wall that surrounded their house, rolling a cigarette. 

I put the end in the corner of my mouth and lit the tip, Inhaling the smoke. Smoking had always been an escape for me, Dad acting up? Smoke. Flashbacks? Smoke. Getting Bullied? Smoke. 

Suddenly I heard a deep voice  and jumped. 

I turned around to see the twins father holding a duffle bag . "Hey kid" he said softly. "Can i?" He asked, pointing to the spot next me. I nodded slowly. 

It took a moment but eventually he was sitting next to me, far enough that i felt a lot more comfortable. I Appreciated that. 

It was quiet, The only noise that could be heard was the birds and me exhailing the smoke that was ruining my lungs slowly. 

"So, why are you out here?" He said. I didn't say anything. 

"Oh right, you don't talk do you? Sorry" he said awkwardly. I just nodded. 

"Could i have a puff?" He asked, i nodded and handed it to him, there was probably only one puff left anyway. 

He took a long puff before, looking at the bud then flicking it into the gutter. "It's been awhile since I last hand a ciggy" He said, still holding it in his lungs. Congrats? 

 finally let out the big puff of smoke and looked at me. "I heard you guys all having a blast last night" He said. I nodded again. "Y'know i'm glad they found you" 

"When we first moved here they were scared they wouldn't make any friends, since they had a hard time making friends at their last school and all" 

They had a hard time making friends?

He must've noticed the confused look on my face and laughed a bit. "I know, i was shocked to, They are great kids, Funny, Smart, Silly, very likable" He explained. I felt myself not being scared but actually listening to what he had to say.

"I think it just wasn't the right place for them, Thats the main reason we moved, Me and their mother told them it was for work but it was really so they could be happy" He finished. 


I quickly pulled out my phone and started typing. He looked over my shoulder to see that i was typing. 

They are really lucky to have you 

He smiled wide. "Thank you" he said. I smiled back. 

He looked down at His Watch. "Well i'll Have to get going now, i'm glad that I talked to you" 

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