Holiday Miracle pt.2

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Summary: In which you're finally able to get pregnant, however there seem to be some complications.
warnings: mentions of losing a child, mentions of sex

There's also a gender reveal but we shouldn't shame those (personally I love getting free shit from people when it comes to babies and children because those mf are expensive as hell)

Y/n's POV

"Matt!" I called from the bottom step of the stairs. I was just about to head out for my appointment. I had my first ultrasound on December 5th. Usually you'd get your first ultrasound at about 6-10 months, but I needed to know how far along I had been pregnant without even knowing. I had been pregnant for almost a full month before I even found out, which is crazy. Matt had gone with me the first time, but now I didn't need him to come. He wanted to get some extra filming done for his personal channel. It worked out anyway.

I technically didn't need to come in this week, but they called me on the 7th and said there was something they wanted to check and discuss with me in person. So I scheduled another appointment. I hadn't really told Matt anything about it. I was afraid that after being hyped up for the rest of November and beginning of December, and being excited about finally being pregnant, I felt like I was going to lose it.

It's a whole other thing to be afraid that I'll never get pregnant, but the emotional trauma it'll leave Matt and I in if I lost it. Or if it came out sick, wasn't healthy enough. If I gave birth to early. There were so many fears. I had called Marylou last night while hiding in the car and explained everything to her about my fears. She agreed and said I had every right to be afraid, but because I had already waited so long for our little miracle, there's no way in hell my baby would be taken from me and Matt.

She helped me calm down until I felt better and was able to go back to bed. Overall Matt's been holding my hand through all the process's. At our first ultrasound, we got a picture of our blurry little baby. Literally just a blob on the machine screen. Matt knew there were possibilities that I could lose the baby at any time, and there was a high chance the child wouldn't come out correctly and there would be complications. We persevered.

Matt came rushing from his bedroom only moments after I called for him. "Bye baby," Matt pulls me in for a hug. He's become a little bit more clingy. Wherever I am, he is. He doesn't let me drive anymore. Makes me eat more food. I love him to death, but he needed to calm down. "Everything's gonna be okay," he whispers into my ear. "I know." I replied. "I'm still nervous." He nods. "Honestly, I'm scared too but whatever they have to say we can handle it okay." I nodded and pulled away. He pressed his lips against mine gently. Ever since I told him I was pregnant, he's also been so gentle with me. It was so sweet.

"Are you sure you don't want me to come? I'm not doing anything too important?" he checks in again and I shake my head no. "I can do it. I gotta go before I'm late. I'll see you in a few hours okay?" Matt nods and opens the door for me. He walks me to the minivan (yes he let's me drive the van) and lets me get in before kissing me goodbye once again.


"It seems to me that there aren't just one child growing in your womb, there are two other ones Mrs. Sturniolo."

"What do you mean?"

"Congratulations, you're having triplets!"


"Hey baby," i can hear Matt smile over the phone. "Everything all right over there?" he asks. "Mhm. Everything went smoothly. They just wanted to get a few tests done concerning my blood, take a few pictures of it." I twirl a strand of my hair around my finger. I had cried since I got out of the appointment. I had to excuse myself to the bathroom while I sobbed on the toilet. Never in my life, especially after I found out it would be incredibly difficult to get pregnant, having one baby was a miracle. Having three fucking babies growing inside of me!

It felt like a life that didn't belong to me. Like a dream I never wanted to end.

"I'm gonna head home now, we can talk some more once I get home okay."

"Oh there's more?"

"See you soon Matty, I love you."

"I love you too."

As soon as I hung up on Matt, I called Marylou. "hello y/n dear, everything all right over there?"

"Yeah, you'll never guess what they told me."

"I assume the babies healthy then?" she asks curiously. "Yeah, way better than healthy. Marylou I'm having triplets!"

"Oh. My. God!"


I close the door behind me as Matt sits himself down on our bed. "I'm scared now. Our call earlier sounded happy but this is so suspicious. I'm scared baby." Matt pulls me into his side. "I have something to tell you and I don't know how your going to take it."

I had forced Matt to set up his phone to record knowing that he would want this to be recorded. He glanced over at his phone which had been recording for the past three minutes while I try and get myself together. "It can't be that bad or else you wouldn't record right?" he asks and I nod. "It could be very good."

"Okay, rip the fucking bandage off baby. Lemme hear it." Matt closes his eyes like he's bracing for bad news, so I just come out and say it. "We're not having one baby, we're having three."

There's a pause and Matt's eyes open. He searches mine, eyes blown wide and crazy. "What? No, no fucking way! Three, three of them! I'm having three fucking kids. I put three kids in there?" he shouts and points at my stomach, which had grown just a bit within the last month. "Oh my God, oh my God, oh my God!" Matt giggles as he rolls around on the bed like a child.


"We're gonna count down from 5, and once we get to five we're gonna cut into the first cake to see what the gender of one of our babies, the next cake will be another baby, and our last cake will be the last baby, okay? Everyone understand?" I asked checking in on everyone. There were phones out, everyone recording and taking pictures. Literally all the people closest to us gathered all around. The triplets whole family, mine, our best friends.

Nathan Doe was currently holding the camera for Matt's YouTube video we've been recording since we found out I was pregnant. It's going to be the whole process and growth of us having our kids.

"Alright, three. Two. One!" I slice a cake in half, it falls over. "It's a boy!"

"Fuck yeah!" Cheer and exclaims were thrown all over the triplets Boston home backyard. Tears were cried. "The second one's a girl!"

And the third was also a boy.


i feel so bad because i actually genuinely forgot i was supposed to do this and this is kinda bad cause i've been so tired all day... ahhhhahahahahahahah

this is rushed but it's 10:40 n I NEED TO SLEEP SO BAD

I kept forgetting I was supposed to write this but I perservered and did it anyway fuck yeah baby fuck yeah....

Anywho, I've had such a great week. I know next week is gonna be shitter than the sea but WHOO ya good week!

I also barely just finished the Pod today cause I've been soooo busy. (i had to take yearbook pictures after school yesterday for two hours, and I was supposed to be working with two partners and neither showed up. and i found out that two of the guys from school who i like play soccer (they don't like me but they're so fine) and then today i had an extra class after school as i do every tuesday but its whateverererererereerrrrr

happy tuesday, so excited for wednesday!

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