Playing Cupid pt.1

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Summary: You're set up with matt
Warnings: None

(takes place when the triplets moved into their house)

Y/n's POV

I had spent the night at Madi and Laura's house. I hadn't really gotten to spend any time with her recently because there were other people living in her house which were her friends and I didn't want to interrupt their time together. I also didn't know the people as well as she did, so coming over just wasn't an option. Luckily they had left a few days ago which gave you and Madi some great time together. You gossiped about everything under the sun, everything you had been dying to tell each other that you hadn't within the past few weeks.

Of course she kept bringing up those boys. They were triplet boys who Laura was managing, and Madi's best friends. They were in the midst of moving from Massachusetts to LA so they wouldn't have to stay in a hotel or live with Madi and Laura for months at a time. Despite not knowing who they were I was rather proud of them. It took a lot of confidence in yourself to move across the country away from your parents at only 18 or 19.

Still, I was getting tired of it. She's be like, "Oh Matt said the funniest thing earlier!" or "Look at these cute earrings Nick bought for me in Boston." sometimes even, "Should I send this to Chris? I bet he'd think this is so funny, look."

Eventually we fell asleep in her bedroom and the next morning we woke up and ate some cereal. I had made some plans to go grocery shopping later for my own apartment but every time I tried to leave Madi would make an excuse to get me to stay. I stayed. We ate some cereal on the couch and watched a movie. Laura was acting just as suspicious as Madi was.

Matt's POV

After sleeping in my house for the first night ever, I would have thought it was lonely however at like 10 Am I was awoken from my sleep by Nick. "Get up, we have to go back to Madi's house!" Nick yells at me. I groan and sit up, eyes blurry from how sleepy I still was. I was also a little sore having to move everything from Madi and Laura's house into boxes, and then packing it up in my van to go to our new house. "Alright, shit. Stop being fucking loud." I replied. I got ready for the day hesitantly. I had no idea why we needed to go to Madi's house. I was sure that everything we needed from there.

As I headed out of my room and into the kitchen, it was rather quiet. Neither Nick or Chris were doing anything interesting either. I stared at both of them as I passed them. I got some water for myself and drank it, neither of them spoke. "Are you guys good or what?" It was like 11 AM now, when I fell asleep last night I had no plans to leave our house today. Chris just shrugs and then glances down at his phone again. "What do you think of this girl?" He asks and I walk around the kitchen table to see who he's talking about. A girl Madi's friends with is on his screen. I hadn't ever met her before though, but Madi seemed to like her a lot. "I don't know." I replied honestly. "I don't know her."

"Okay but just look at her. Do you think she's like cool?" I leaned over his shoulder and watched as he scrolled through her Instagram page. There were a few photos of her and Madi, some with other friends I had never seen before, and a couple pictures of her with people I did know like Nessa Barrett and Sabrina Quesada. "I guess she's cool. Why?"

"No reason." Chris shrugs and then closes the app. I look over at Nick who's been staring us down like a hawk. "Fuck are you looking?" I asked exasperated with their attitudes today. Nick shakes his head and goes back to his toast he was making. "Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed."

"Well I wouldn't have if you had woken me up nicely jackass." Nick rolls his eyes and then continues to ignore me. "Are we going to Madi's still or what?"

"Is that what you're gonna wear to Madi's house?" Nick looks up with an eyebrow raised. What? "Yeah this is what I'm fucking wearing. What are you on bro?" Nick shrugs and then sits down at the counter. "When I'm done eating we can go." I rolled my eyes and then walked back into my room. I glanced in the mirror quickly. What was wrong with my outfit? I was just wearing a shirt and some sweatpants?

About ten minutes later Nick comes back into my room. "Alright we're good to go."

"Finally." I grabbed my keys and we left the house. I walked down with my brothers as we got into our rental car that we used for now. We couldn't exactly bring our van from back home all the way over here, but we still needed something in the time that we were here to get us around. It was just a simple black five seater car. Which is probably why my arms hurt so fucking much cause we had to do multiple trips out the house, in the car, into the next house, back to the car, back to the house, into the car, and so on and so on until everything we had in LA was in our house.

After a short eight minute driver we're back at Madi's house. Nick and Chris get out way before I do. I was so fucking tired. I was just pissed I had to wake up as early as I did even though it was almost the middle of the day. I get out of the car and lock it up and then clip my keys onto my belt loop. (i die when he does that ngl)

I stand behind Nick and Chris and wait with them until the door is opened by Madi and Laura. They make a big scene on letting us in, lots of hugs. Weirdly. I shuffle into the doorway and shut the door behind me. I let myself into the house some more and see there was another person in the house besides Madi and Laura.

I make eye contact with her for a moment before breaking it and turning behind me to look at Chris. That's the same fucking girl he was showing me earlier. Are they seriously setting us up or something? "Go ahead, sit down. Don't mind Y/n. She's like a daughter to me." Laura says with a large smile. I eye her suspiciously and then sit down in a chair across from Y/n. Her hair is up in a messy bun and she's got some makeup on, but not too much.

There's a small amount of mascara under her eyes and she looks tired. She's also wearing a sweatsuit set in my favorite color. Blue.

She pulls her knees up to her chest making room for everyone as we sit down in the living room together

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She pulls her knees up to her chest making room for everyone as we sit down in the living room together. I try not to look at her too much. I still don't get what we're here for. I love Madi to death, she's like my sister. But I really just wanna go to sleep man.


question: how do you guys like reading? Do you like the 'i' point of view or the 'you' point of view?

Such as: I liked the way he looked at me. - I walked to the car. - I asked her a question.

Or: You walked out the door sadly. - You sighed in content. - You responded.

Which one do you prefer? Do you even notice? Cause sometimes I switch it back and forth and its kinda confusing sometimes. Do you even care?

Also should I do more thing's from Matt's POV? I don't like to cause I don't know how exactly they'd be in a situation (like i did in this imagine) do you care? do you not? I'm trying to get my writing to be as good as you guys think it is and would actually want to read it.


My books i'm so scared for my books cause I don't want them to be popular cause I'm afraid they'll do another fan-fic reading video in the future and I'D FUCKING DIE IF THEY READ ANY OF MY BOOKS I SWEARRRR

also if you saw sweetner had a new post that was an accident and i'm not done with it but i'll leave it up for now hahahahhaa


I'll post pt. 2 tomorrow cause my fucking computer is fucking bugging 🙃🙃🙃

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