Chapter 37: Together

Começar do início

"I don't care, I'm going to tell Hange right now to rearrange manpower," Levi said and was about to storm off, but you gripped his wrist hard to stop him.

"Stop this. I am a Military Doctor, a Section Commander! My team needs me and I have my own duties to honour."

"Fuck that, you could be the Commander for all I care and I still don't want you to go to Liberio."

"Is this because of my skill? Almost four years in the military and you still don't think I'm capable?"

"You... we... we haven't engaged in a real battle in nearly three years," Levi grew impatient, eyebrows furrowing. "We haven't fought a single Titan or person in way too long, and don't you see that we're about to plunge into a fucking war in a matter of weeks? You're unprepared."

"The same applies to everyone else!" your expression contorts, hands balling into fists.

"You don't have to be the one to go, let Niko Schultz be the Section Commander in-charge in Liberio."

"It makes the most sense for me to go considering I've actually been to Marley and Niko has not."

"So what?" he spat, eyes turning wilder by the second. "He can adapt. This mission is too dangerous and we know nothing of the enemy. Anything could happen."

"What kind of Section Commander am I if I choose to stay behind, just because of personal interest?"

"Even if that personal interest is me?"

Your eyes shoot open and for a moment, you're at a loss for words. Levi is being irrational.

"Please. Please just listen to me," Levi pleads, his voice turns from anger to desperation. "I can't lose you in Liberio. I'd never forgive myself if I let you go to Liberio and you... you die."

"And I'd never forgive myself either if I willingly choose to stay where it's safe, while you're out there in enemy territory fighting for us!" you quaked. "I could lose you too."

"No..." Levi brings his hands up to his face. "We are not... the same."

A loud thunder cracks. Anger flashes in your eyes.

"You are not going to Liberio," Levi repeats.

"You can't just decide things for me."

Another thunder booms, breaking the long silence between the two of you. It's getting late, and you had plans to visit your parents today. You must leave now if you want to make it back to HQ by night time. Besides, you hoped that by giving Levi some space, he'll be able to cool his head and come to his senses.

"I have to go. I'm going to see my parents," you mutter and turn on your heel.

Levi has half a mind to stop you from leaving, but the heaviness in his heart weighs him down. He doesn't know what else to tell you, or how to stop you. Should he even still stop you? Would it be the right thing to do?

You rode your horse to Sina in the storm, uncaring about wetting your clothes or the dangers of riding in the rain. Your head was far too muddled and angry at the thoughts of Levi not trusting you enough to be on the Liberio mission and his attempt at dishonouring your role as a Section Commander.

Your own people, Luca, Josef, Catarina, Gabriel, were all going to be in Liberio. How could you even think of staying safe within the Walls of Paradis knowing this? Eren was still out there too, and you care about his well being. You want to find him too.

You arrive at your parents house, and when you see how much healthier your father has become, your negative thoughts about Levi are washed away. He has regained most of his energy, and was no longer coughing each minute. Your father even went back to his hobbies, and your mother was smiling again. Both you and your father no longer have to take the Siloprazole tablets daily, and only keep stock of the canisters in case of relapses.

Be Kind (Doctor Reader x Levi Ackerman)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora