I'm curious, of course, who wouldn't? I dig my phone back into my pocket and breath, at least it's nothing bad. I'll just take a quick peek, grab my stuff from the church and head back home.

I guess it's a good thing that we don't have class today after all. Just as I'm nearing the church's entrance I see Kenny by the side of the wall. I'm a bit disappointed, I wasn't expecting to see him first thing in the morning, but it's whatever. I didn't come here to talk with him anyway.

"Craig, I know you can see me" Kenny sighs, and looks up at me from his phone. "Then it must be obvious that I don't want to talk to you" I roll my eyes and walk even closer to the door but he slaps his hand on the entrance and frowns.

"I wouldn't go inside if I was you Craig" he stops me in the act and I groan. I can't believe this fucker.

"Wow, that's so fucking amazing Kenny!" I throw my hands in the air and pinch my nose bridge, "first thing in the morning!" I groan and he visibly gets madder at me. Listen, I don't know what I did to him, but between me and my locker, there's nothing that should be so frighteningly horrible that not even I can go inside.

"You know what!? Fine! Fuck you Craig!" He lifts his hand up from the wall and I look a little confused. What's his deal?

"Just know that this time I couldn't cover up whatever FUCKED up little shit, you got yourself into!" He poked his index finger at my chest and I slapped his hand away, taking a step closer. What the fuck did I do!?

"Kenny you know nothing of the SHIT, that goes on in my life, so stop acting like you know me." I frowned and he took a step back in disbelief.

"Open the door then" his voice goes cold and the sudden air around us gets chilly. "See it for yourself Craig."

"Maybe you'll realize that the last time you fucked up, I was the ONE who got rid of the evidence, so be more great full next time" he gritted his teeth, and tightly wrapped his fingers into a fist.

"Just this time, I couldn't, because the fuck up you did was too massive to cover up." He sighed and turned around, he's not looking at me anymore but I sense anger in his posture. I don't, I don't understand. I'm confused, why is he acting like he's trying to protect me? As if he feels pity for me, that time he left me alone, and now he was trying to make up for it.

I don't need your pity, and I certainly don't need to hear the bullshit and accusations that come out of his mouth.

I shrug my shoulders and open the wide doors.
It's dark at first, but the light captivates my surroundings.

my throat goes dry and my body goes still.
What the fuck am I looking at.

"what the fuck is going on" I panic and grab the outline of my shirt, walls after walls scratched with my name on them.

My name everywhere.

Scratched in red ink, denting the wooden interior. Circled and underlined.

"Believe me now?" He muffles for one last time and I forget that he's been standing right behind me the whole time. I panic, thinking that the police are behind him, but when I turn around I just see Kenny.

"I didn't do this"

"Maybe it was, or maybe it wasnt " he sighed, "but one thing is for sure, you fucked up big time."

This can't be real. I close the doors and take a step back, this can't fucking be real.

"Where-where is he?" I turned my head around and gasped, but no matter where I looked I couldn't see anybody else but Kenny.

Exorcise him! // Craig x Tweek // (Creek)Where stories live. Discover now