Chapter 26 - Lost Memories

Start from the beginning

Gilthunder emerged from the blood that splattered from the monster's hand, plunging his sword into the Demon's stomach as he continued the barrage of attacks. "Thunderclap Strike!"

Hendrickson jumped up, landing on the Demon's head as he placed his finger on the Demon's face, yelling, "Purge!" A bright light shined brightly as the red light in the Demon's eyes faded away, now empty and bottomless voids.

"Did he kill it?" Howzer asked.

"That was a different technique. It used to be acid." Griamore noticed.

"Then, what did he use?" Howzer questioned.

"It can't be." Gilthunder said, shocked as he watched Hendrickson jump down.

"Gilthunder, Howzer, thank you for the assistance in slaying this beast. You've become quite powerful."

"What's going on here, Hendrickson?" Gilthunder questioned the white haired man. "Purge was my father's power. So, how are you using it?"

"Purge is the secret technique of the Druids to eradicate souls that are unnatural. Like me, your father, Zaratras, was born a Druid, known as the sages of the forest, who worshipped the Goddess race above all others." Hendrickson explained. "In all my life, I've never met anybody with a more virtuous soul. Dreyfus and I loved and respected him with all our hearts. He was a true Holy Knight grandmaster.":

Anger seethed through Gilthunder as he grabbed Hendrickson's collar, bringing him closer. "If that's so, then why did you kill him, you bastard? Answer me."

He stayed silent for a moment before starting the story. "It began ten years ago. Dreyfus and I were on a mission, we'd been ordered by His Majesty to investigate the mysterious catastrophe that had caused the collapse of Danafall. That was how it all started."

Ten Years Ago

Younger Dreyfus and Hendrickson could be seen riding their horses alongside the huge and bottomless hole that used to be a town.

"It's just so hard to believe." Hendrickson said. "Six years ago, this was a prosperous nation filled with people. Now, nothing but a hole remains." Both men disembarked their horses as they slid down the hole. "Do you think it was a giant meteor?"

"No, I don't think that's the case. I can sense traces of magical power emanating from this hole." Dreyfus answered.

"Magic or not, you don't seriously believe someone made this hole, do you?"

"However it was done, its creation is definitely beyond human understanding." The two men were nearing the bottom as they slowed to a stop before reaching the even ground.

"That's quite a stretch. I mean, we don't have enough information to support anything." Hendrickson said. "Also, it's pitch-black here. We're literally fumbling around in the dark." Dreyfus was about to respond but a deep roar from deeper below cut him off. "Dreyfus! You hear that?"


"You don't think someone who survived all this is still around, do you?" Hendrickson asked as he looked down the pitch-black hole.

"Who knows? It could be a ghost." Dreyfus guessed. "But if we can't even see each other's faces, we're not gonna find anything."

"Good thing I'm here. You can thank me with an ale when we get back." Hendrickson smirked as he pulled out a small orb.

"Hold on, what are you talking about?" Dreyfus asked.

The small orb levitated in Hendrickson's hand as it emitted a bright light, granting vision to the two men. "An Incantation Orb, huh?" Dreyfus said as he and Hendrickson started to walk through the cave. "Somebody came prepared."

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