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The baratie towered above the Going Merry, who's crew gazed up the larger ship with awe.

"Everyone's going to that fish ship." Zoro points out the obvious.

"That smell." Nami chuckles, "I think this place is a restaurant."

"Then I know what we're gonna do next." Luffy smirks, nudging Shiori.


"Disguise the ship so the Marines can't find us?" Nami guesses.

"Sail back to Syrup Village where it's safe?" Usopp joins in, seemingly forgetting about the Black Cat pirate and his attempt of murder.

Luffy's idea isn't swerved, the smirk on his face growing, "Nah. Let's eat!"

He quickly sets off, his stomach leading the way.

Zoro groans, "that fish better have a bar."

"You need to stop with the alcoholism." Nami smacks the boy beside her, who returns an offended look, before leaving.

Usopp swings an arm round Shiori's shoulders, guiding her to the close destination, Nami following with a disapproving sigh.

Music can be heard as soon as the group enter the ship, creating a joyful atmosphere.

"Welcome to Baratie. How can I help you?" A man with fish-like features greets Luffy, who is leaning over the rails as an attempt to see the room better.

"Hi!" The straw hat pirate cheers, "where do we eat?"

"Do you have a reservation, Sir?" The fishes posh accent shines through.

"Do we need one?"

"We're very full today. I could put you on the waiting list. It's three weeks out."

Usopp slides in the conversation, "maybe you want to check your book again, you wouldn't want to turn away the future king of the pirates now, would you?

"And who is that, sir?" The host mocks.

"Monkey D. Luffy?" The sling shooter replies, his tone making it seem as though the host should've known already. "Perhaps you've heard of him?"

Zoro steps back, covering his face with his hand, feeling embarrassed to be seen with the company he has.

"I'd be surprised if you haven't heard of him." Shiori boasts, pointing to her captains hat, "pretty recognisable."

"Well in that case, we'll find a table." The fish-man's response surprises the group, some more than others.

Usopp and Luffy cheer, "Yah! I knew it!"

"In three weeks."

"Bitch." Luffy frowns.

Nami steps forward, using her girl power!!! "You'll have to excuse them. They're idiots." She hands over a wad of cash, receiving a grin.

"Of course." The male begin to descend the stairs, "right this way ma'am."

"See. Works every time." Usopp engulfs both Shiori and Luffy in a side hug, proudly.

Stares are sent towards the unusual group, Zoro pulling Shiori behind him, protectively.

Introduced to their seats, Luffy sits down, crawling to the other side when realising he's blocking the rest of the seats.

Zoro goes to sit next to Luffy, yet is forcefully stopped by his swords getting stuck.

"I'd be happy to check your swords for you, sir." The worker offers with a tight lipped smile.

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