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Nami runs onto the boat, Zoro carrying the safe not far behind while the other two take a bit more time to arrive, being slowed down by Shiori's injury.

Zoro drops the safe harshly, his shoulder sore from the weight of it.

The ginger girl shoots him a glare, fixing the sails so the group can make a swift exit away from the marines, "Careful with that!"

"Whatever you say. Oh wait, I don't work for you." The swordsman is purposefully more agressive with the metal box, spiteful after being told what to do.

Shiori and Luffy finally arrive, the latter quickly speaking up before the argument can escalate.

"I'm sensing a little bit of tension amongst the crew."

The two quickly deny it, "Not a crew!"

Luffy looks at the girl who's still leaning on his arm, and helps her seat herself on a wooden box, shooting a reassuring look towards her, which would usually help if her leg wasn't bent in two different directions.

"What about Koby?" Shiori whispers, worriedly to the pirate captain.

A panicked look flashes in his eyes, and he goes back onto the boardwalk, looking around for the missing boy.

"I cant leave without my friend." Luffy stresses.

"Can't wait. The marines will be here before you know it."

Shiori shoots an glare to Zoro, annoyed by his pessimism, to which he looks her up and down, judgementally.

Before anyone can say anything else, a recognisable voice speaks up cockily. "The marines are here already," the man walks into view, a gun in each hand, " you're under arrest."

After a moment of awkward silence, Luffy let's out a chuckle. "What's wrong with his hair?"

"Yeah I might've done that." Zoro smirks at him, an angered look taking over the marines features.

Shiori let's out a breathy laugh, finding her friend laughing funnier than the actual haircut.

The blonde shoots the pillar Zoro is leaning on, as a way of asserting dominance in the situation.

The green haired doesn't flinch, although his face now holds a more serious look.

"I won't let you make a joke of me! I'm taking you in and handing you over to my father." The marine mocks, "I'll be the hero, I might even get a medal or something." He suddenly let's out a loud grunt after a fist makes contact with his cheek, sending him to the floor.

"KOBY?" Luffy screeches in shock.

"Koby!" Shiori cheers, clapping her hands proudly.

The pink haired boy ignores them, focusing on the pain in his hand, "God that hurt!"

"It also felt.. really good too."

Luffy runs over to him, dragging him towards the boat expectantly. "No time to explain but we gotta go. This whole island is trying to kill us."

Koby stops before the boat, making eye contact with his female friend, "I'm not coming with you."

He sees hurt in the girl's eyes, but stands his ground.

Luffy turns round to the boy with a tight, forced smile, "you sure?"

"Before we met, every choice was made for me." Koby's eyes dart around, wondering if he will be forced to stay on the boat like Alvida did a couple years before, "but I'm gonna do what I want to do"

He gains confidence from the supportive smiles being sent his way, "I'm gonna be a marine. I want to help people that can't help themselves."

Koby's words make even Nami and Zoro look at him, who had been carelessly ignoring the conversation before.

"Next time we meet, we might be enemies."

"But for now," Luffy assures, "we're friends!"

Shiori's eyes start to water, after knowing the boy for a such a short amount of time, she will still miss him, for however long it is until they reunite.

Luffy shoves the soon-to-be-marine's shoulder, who then pushes the boat away from the port.

He waves to Shiori, who sadly waves back, looking down to not show her tears.

After a few mere minutes, Zoro comes up to the girl silently, holding a handkerchief in-front of her face, wanting her to take it.

Shiori just stares up at the man, who eventually gets tired of waiting and smacks the handkerchief on her face, wiping away the tears for her.

"Hey!" Luffy shouts at her, pulling up his sleeves and walking toward the two, "you better stay away from my man!"

"What the fuck."

A/n after 10 chapters we finally finished episode 1!!

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