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Shiori runs through the halls, hearing shouts and clashes of metal.

"Luffy?" She calls, running through a random door then quickly running back out. "Nami? Maya? Kaya, I mean!"

A shatter of glass interrupts her shouts, leading her straight to her friends.

"Luffy?" Shiori enters the room the noises derive from, seeing the who she hoped. "Luffy!"

The boy turns around to look at his first mate, his smile growing, and quickly sends a thumbs up to her.

Cheers erupt from behind a table, Usopp jumping out from behind it, followed by Nami then Kaya.


Nami sends a shy smile towards Shiori, before looking away and taking a deep breath.

The group stand in place, looking at each other and smiling.

"This is really cringe." Luffy scrunches his face up, wondering why everyone's acting like the episode has already ended.

"What the fuck are we doing?"

"Yeah let's go."

"I don't even know which way we're going."

"Stupid ass."

Different voices speak up, some chuckling, others awkward.

The group hastily make their way out the room, banging into doorframes as they do so.

Before they know, they've arrived at the staircase, Zoro greeting them with a cocky grin, motioning to the injured waiters.

Shiori shoves in front of her friends, running towards Zoro and jumping on his back.

"I thought I told you not to stay where you were!" She tugs his ear, making him attempt to throw her off.

"Fuck you mean? I was the one th-"

"I don't want to hear it, to be frank." The girl falls backwards dramatically, expecting to land on the hard floor, but is instead met with a bony torso.

Luffy groans, his body stretched as he was afraid if he didn't do so, he wouldn't be able to catch the girl in time.

"Ty." Shiori gets up, dusting off her outfit nonchalantly.

"Ty? I just saved her life and I get two letters?" The straw hat pirate mutters, fixing his shirt and whistling, embarrassed.

One of the maids hiss, averting everyone's attention to them.

"I'm sorry about the mess." Zoro apologises to Kaya, who looks tired and confused after the unexpected night she had, "you probably need some new staff."

"I think I'm done with staff for a bit." The homeowner tries to humour her sorrows, but it just adds to the unpleasant atmosphere.

Zoro looks down, emphasising his disappointment, "Too bad we can't collect their bounty."

"No, no. The marines already know where we are. We have to get out of here." Nami quickly stops whatever the moss hair seems to be planning.

"Where are we gonna go?" Luffy interferes, looking around at his company.

"I thought we were finding the winning peace or something like that." Shiori scuffs her shoes against the floor, creating an annoying sound.

"We don't even have a ship." The captain sighs, before shooting his gaze towards the younger, "Wait, you what?"

"It's the tonne lease, crikey, I'm with some idiots." Usopp chuckles, pulling out his framed photo of Josh Hutcherson, giggling, "not you though."

"Yes, you do have a ship." Kaya whispers.

"Errr- okay whatever you say girl. But we literally don't." Luffy looks towards Shiori, nodding his head towards Kaya and raising his eyebrows mockingly.

After a few seconds, Luffy grins, realising what was meant.

"Can you get me a new weapon too?" The youngest of the group speaks up, still annoyed about losing her last.

"Please, don't use weapons." Zoro pouts, "they're dangerous."

"What the flip? You're carrying three swords." Usopp  punches the Mario Super Star that appears above him.

"Four, actually. If you know what I mean." Luffy giggles and looks around, expecting a reaction. No one cracks a smile, wanting to leave as soon as possible.

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