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"How's the ship look?" Nami squints to see her crew mates in the thick fog.

"Broken railing. Minor damage, could've been a lot worse." Zoro answers, looking around in hopes to find the exit of the endless fog.


"Could've been better." Nami sighs.

Usopp joins the conversation, leaning against a railing, bored, "Can't see the marines anywhere."

"Cant see anything in this soup. What we need is a place to lay low, wait out any reinforcements they send after us. But my charts are useless in this fog." The girl looks around to see if any of her companions have an idea on what to do.


"What did Luffy say?" Zoro immediately thinks of his captain, who miraculously has a solution for everything.

"He's up on the bow." At Usopp's words, the group instinctively look towards the front of the ship, although not seeing much because of the white blanket, "He hasn't said anything since we hightailed it."


"Well, somebody needs to talk to him. About this... and that other thing."

Not being one of the brightest stars in the sky, the swordsman is confused by Nami's words, "What other thing?"

"Oh, gee, I wonder." A silence prompts her to continue, "the vice-admiral-of-the-marines-is-my-grandfather thing."


Usopp sucks his teeth, awkwardly, "Oh! That. Yeah I don't really know the guy that well."

"Doesn't seem like a big deal." Zoro shrugs.

"Marco! Marco! Marco! Marco!"

"You're his boyfriend. Kind of seems like that falls under your job description." Nami desperately tries to get someone to talk to Luffy.

"Im like- literally not gay." The green haired attempts to change the subject, "Where's Shiori?"

"She's been saying 'Marco' since we entered this fog. Think she's lost or somethin'." Usopp shrugs, turning around to resume his job at lookout.

Zoro's eyes widen, "Oh shit- Polo!"


Footsteps near the trio, stopping momentarily.


Uncovered from the fog is an annoyed Shiori, her face wearing a glare.

"Took you long enough."

Not wanting to face the wrath of his best friend, Zoro quickly leaves for Luffy, the others resuming their tasks.

"Hey guys." Shiori waves, her glare disappearing.

Usopp winks, "Sup, Yori."

"Hey. Let's go." Nami follows the direction Zoro escaped to, the duo following in tow.

They arrive at the bow, the boy they had previously sent there, walks past.

"He seems fine to me."

Shiori raises an eyebrow, "In what way?"

"Did you even ask him?" At this point Nami feels that if she wants a job done, she'll have to do it herself, since everyone else in the crew is too incompetent.

"Hey!" Luffy starts sniffing the air, barking every so often in between sniffs, "you guys smell that?"

"Smell what?" Nami questions for the rest of them.

"There's something on the breeze." He says, taking another sniff, "smells like butter."

All of a sudden a ship emerges out of the fog, it decorated glamorously. A recognisable song is playing through loud speakers and seven figures can be seen dancing. Shiori snaps out of her daydream, focusing her eyes back onto her captain 😔.

"Soy sauce. And meat."

"I cant smell anything." Usopp seems genuinely upset at this fact.

"Think he has brain damage?" Zoro whispers, although loudly, to Nami beside him.

"I think that every day."

"He's rubber." Shiori interrupts, flicking her eyes between the two.

"Look, Luffy, playing follow the smell is fun and all, but we really got to get out of this fog." Even Usopp is fed up at this point.

"I know, but I smell food," Luffy doesn't give up defending himself, "which means that there's someone somewhere cooking."

"If it was really warm right now, I'd probably say it's me, but it's pretty chilly so it's probably not me." Shiori speaks up, with a frown.

"Five degrees starboard!" The captain's shout makes everyone jump, before heading to their stations. "No, no! Three degrees back to port."

"Add food to the equation and suddenly he knows how to navigate." Nami mutters.

"What is that?" Zoro cuts her off, the pirate crew's attention going to a red light not far from them. "Is that land?"

"Can't be. There aren't any Islands near here."

As they get closer, the view becomes clearer, Usopp leaning over the railing with his eyes squinted to improve his vision.

"What's a... Baratie?"

A/n my man is literally there you guys!!!

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