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The city's pub is crowded with marines, who's voices are drowned out by the music playing from who-knows-where.

Two or three marines had come over to Shiori, offering to buy her a drink, to which Luffy would frighten them away by barking or Koby would politely turn them away.

A woman walks over to the table the trio are sat at, a plate of food in her hands. Shiori and Koby had long since finished eating, but Luffy welcomed the extra food with open-arms, claiming "more is better, you've got to feed the brain."

"All right.. so," the Captain begins, "I can't get inside the base through the gate, but maybe.. maybe.. maybe what if I get inside flying? I can.. grab onto a bird or something."

His plan makes Koby stress, yet an unexpected laugh erupts from Shiori's chest, making a few marines look her way, to which she ignores, instead banging the table with her fist, unable to stop her giggles.

"Keep your voice down." Koby whispers to her, urgently.

As he says this an intimidating man with three swords hanging by his side and green hair enters the pub, heading straight for the bar.

He's dragging a large bag across the floor, unusually textured, red spikes poking out of it.

The mysterious man orders something from the server, and Shiori, who has been watching him, is awakened from her daydream by a hand waving in-front of her face.

Luffy watched as the girl stared, an unknown feeling arising in his stomach, and decides to put a stop to it.

He and Koby then start to brainstorm ideas on how to get into the marine base, each idea making less sense than the last.

Suddenly a loud clash is heard, silencing the crowd.

"You stupid, stupid girl!" A blonde haired marine raises his voice.

The small girl he's talking to, who looks no older than 12, is shivering under the mans gaze. He then crushes some food that most likely was dropped by the young waitress.

Her mother urges her to apologise, only being mocked when she does so, making Shiori clench her fist.

"Next time I won't be so nice" the man finishes the conversation, ready to leave.

A rough voice swiftly stops him, "you dropped my food." It's the green haired man. He then leans down towards the crushed meal, picking a piece up and stopping for a moment, before eating it.

As considerate as she thought this action was, Shiori's nose scrunched in distaste, images of what could've been on that floor flashing through her mind.

"Mmmm. Delicious." He put the plate onto the counter, staring seriously at the marine. "Now you eat one"

The blonde man starts laughing, thinking the green haired man's order was humorous.

"And apologise to the girl."

"The man's got confidence. He would be great on your crew Lufe." Shiori nudged the pirate to the left of her, who grins at his newfound nickname, nodding to her suggestion.

The boy on the other side of her looks like he's going to cry, not being able to fathom the harsh acts of someone who was supposed to be a protector.

Seeing this, Shiori wraps an arm round him, Koby leaning into her like she is stuffed toy and he is a child who just got shouted at.

"Do you know who i am?" The marine attempts to frighten the shorter, who doesn't so much as cower under his gaze.

"A shithead marine with a bad haircut" was the reply he got, after the three-sworded man looked him up and down.

The blonde feels anger arise and grabs his sword, ready for a fight. He then ridicules the man, jeering at his three swords.

A strike is thrown, then blocked skilfully. Shiori's jaw immediately drops, silently swooning for the green-haired, who disarms the marine with ease.

"Woah." "Ah!" Both the girl and Luffy say simultaneously.

More marines charge at the man, who has no problem knocking them down aswell.

The pub quickly turns into a fight scene, people and tables alike being thrown carelessly.

Luffy watches in amazement, but Koby ducks under a table, dragging Shiori with him and placing her protected behind him. "Wow. Good fighter!"

Whimpers resound throughout the building, and then a bang as the green haired man picks up the marine by the shoulders and slams him onto the counter. The blonde's defence is shortened to one thing: his father being able to give the man anything he wants.

The two's quiet conversation goes on for a few more seconds before they both leave, one with an assertive stride while the other is half dragged behind.


"That's weird Luffy."

"Don't act like it's not relatable though."

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