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The four remained at the door, Usopp and Koby going back and forth while Shiori tries to speak with Helmeppo, who surprisingly replies. The girl assumes he is only replying because he's bored but doesn't mind.

"Why are they taking so long? We've had to have been here for atleast 30 minutes, right?" Shiori grumbles, juggling three small stones.

"We have been here for about half of an hour." The short haired blonde replied, a hum in his tone.

"Yes would've been easier."

Usopp's voice gets louder, making everyone look at him. "You- you've got it all wrong. Luffy is a pirate, sure! But not like Kuro. It- it's confusing, but please. Kaya. Kaya's in danger!"

"Omg why is he stuttering so much? Pick me, choose me, love me." Helmeppo rolls his eyes, whispering to the girl next to him, who takes his hat and throws it somewhere in the bushes. "That wasn't nice." He frowns.

"Sorry Usopp. You don't have any proof. There's nothing I can do." Koby's eyes hold sincerity, but it only makes the sling shot user irritated.

The doors the group have been standing in front of open wide, behind Kuro is the larger of the two butlers, Luffy slung limply over his shoulder.

"Whats wrong with him?" Koby asks worriedly, turning to the man in the suit.

Shiori chuckles sarcastically, "The lazy little shit's asleep."

"Insatiable appetite, I suppose. To much food, too much liquor." Kuro shrugs, "but for a pirate, nothing is ever enough. Good thing we have Marines like yourselves to keep the East Blue safe. Now, if that is all, I really must return to my duties."

"Wait! I just have a few more questions." Koby sparks hope in the Usopp, who sticks out his tongue at the black cat captain.

"Of course." Kuro sighs, a strained smile on his face.

Shiori taps her marine friend on the shoulder, "Ask him where Zoro is."

"Who is Zoro, by the way?" The pink haired questions, not recalling the man.

"The sword man from the bar. I guess you could say he's my best friend. Or he was. Before he got murdered. Sigh."

"Ew! Emo!" Helmeppo starts to cry, although trying to hide it by looking downwards.

"It's okay kitten." Usopp rubs the crying boy's arm, but in return he gets hissed at. "Fine. No belly rubs for you then!"

The young adults quickly turn towards the house, after getting interrupted by a bang coming from somewhere inside.

"What was that?" Koby's normally wide eyes wide even more, getting suspicious.

"Old houses." Shiori is impressed on how quickly Kuro can make up a lie, although she doesn't like it, "you know they're just like us. The older they get, the more they creak."

"I do actually creak a lot more than I used to.." Shiori gasps, leading to a chain reaction of Usopp gasping, then Helmeppo gasping, each a higher pitch than the last.

"You sure?" The only one speaking to the butler, questions.

"Well- yeah?" Shiori murmurs, then realising she isn't the one being asked. "Holy shit, that's embarrassing."

"It kinda sounded like-"

"I shall stick to my expertise and leave you to yours." Kuro doesn't give chance for reply, and continues, "you do have your fugitive in hand, after all."

"He's lying. Everything he says-" Usopp shouts, not believing the evil pirate is going to get away with his wrongdoings.

"That's enough out of you!" Helmeppo cuts him off.

The bandana boy can't take it anymore, turning around and running through the bushes. Shiori goes to follow, but stops, not wanting to leave her unconscious captain alone with marines.

"Help! Please! Pirates! Somebody, help! Please, pirates! Someone, help, please!" Usopp's voice fades as he runs further from the house.

"Cant reason with madness. Now, I really must return to my duties." Kuro slowly shuts the doors, darkness overwhelming the outside group.

"On behalf of the Marines, we thank-"

"Y'know Koby, when you said you were gonna be a marine, I didn't think it meant you were gonna become such a wanker." Shiori takes out her simple dimple from her back pocket, the 'pops' echoing through the tense atmosphere.

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