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The building has been put on some sort of lockdown, meaning entering it is a harder job than it should be.

The pirates began walking the perimeter, seeing if there is a possibility of entering without commotion.

Luffy begins running, leaving the other two in the dust. Shiori huffs, deciding to sit on a patch of grass, feeling that she'll slow Luffy down.

Noticing, Zoro slows his steps, turning back to the girl. "What's up?" He murmurs, slowly inching towards where she's sat.

"I wish you really died, I can't lie." Shiori sniffs, earning a shocked expression from the swordsman.

"The fuck?"

"I mean.. it would've been really good character development for me." The younger looks up, to see Zoro stood close to her, looking down with his eyes furrowed. "No offence."

"If you say no offence, I guess it's not offensive." The green haired squats next to Shiori, silence seizing them.

The quiet atmosphere promps Zoro to speak up, his voice unusually soft, "i er- I like.."

"Go on." The girl raises her eyebrows, her dark eyes captivating the boy.

"Fuck. I- I like-


Shiori snorts, ruffling her friend's hair, "Yeah, no shit Zobro, I think everyone and their mum knows that." Although she seems to be joking, a sinking feeling sets in her stomach, making unknown emotions arise.

"That's not what I-" his words get cut off, a whisper from behind, making him squeal.

"Hi Shiori!" Luffy grins, albeit not for long, as his face turns serious, "there's no way to get in. We'll just have to try get in the normal way."

"Don't worry. I got this." Zoro attempts to get up without the use of his hands, keeping his arms crossed, but after failing for the third time, admits defeat.

"Where's he going now?" Shiori questions, understandably tired.

"To the main entrance." Zoro doesn't look back, striding towards the blocked off doorway.

The girl scrunches her face, hands on hips, "I wasn't asking you, I was asking Luffy."

"To the main entrance." Luffy shrugs, stretching his arm to go around his first mate's torso and pulling her towards him.

"Thank you, Lufe."

Shiori's smile directed towards the captain makes Zoro scoff, trying to focus on his task and not whatever they're talking about.

The door is lifted, Zoro letting out a grunt as he pulls it up. Luffy quickly runs to help, putting a statue underneath to divert the pressure off of the swordsman.

When the trio have crawled through, they stand in place for a few moments, thinking of the next step of their plan.

"Let's split up." Luffy looks towards his crew members, expecting an agreement.

"No way!" Shiori whisper-shouts.

Zoro shivers, stepping closer to the girl, "Yeah, I have the heebie-jeebie's from this place!"

"Don't ever fucking say that again." The shorter looks towards her friend, shaking her head. "Y'know what? I think we should split up." For some reason, Shiori was feeling the same anger she felt towards the boy to when she first met him. Assuming maybe it was just his face, she shrugs, walking off towards one of the hallways.

"Damn bro, she's mad at you." Luffy mocks, chuckling before heading in the opposite direction, and up the stairs.

"Shi! Wait up. Please, sweetheart!" The green haired whines, jogging after his friend, upset at her attitude towards him.

A familiar hallway welcomes the two, Shiori slowing her steps, admittedly nervous from the shadows.

Zoro overtakes her, holding her hand and dragging her along with him.

A gust of wind along with faint footsteps can be heard behind the two, making them stop in their tracks.

The swordsman turns to look, ready to fight, but nothing can be seen. Shiori squeezes her eyes tightly shut, her breathing rate increasing quickly.

Zoro notices, leaning his chin on her shoulder, giving him the ability to whisper in her ear. "Stay here, Angle. I'll protect you."

The girl slowly opens her eyes, while her crew mate walks towards where the sound was heard from.

"Did you mean Angel?" Shiori mutters, smiling slightly, despite the situation they are in.

"No I meant angle." His words cause the smile to drop off the younger's face, being replaced with a scowl. "A-cute angle." He looks back at her, and winks.

The girl giggles, both hands shooting up to her mouth to try conceal it.

"It's clear. C'mon." Zoro beckons his friend, who quickly runs to him, not liking being unguarded. She regretted leaving her weapon on the boat.

 She regretted leaving her weapon on the boat

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