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The crew, along with their new member, set off, heading straight for the sunset. Nami's role remains as the navigator, using her compass to steer the ship.

Zoro, no surprise, settles down in a hammock, understandably needing rest after fighting throughout most of the night.

Usopp finds the kitchen, raiding the cupboards of everything there is.

Shiori situates herself at the bottom of the ship, preferring the lack of rocking there. After having spent all her sea days in small fishing type boats, the slow, agonising sways of the ship isn't something she is yet used to.

Luffy sits atop the sheep head, at the very front of the large boat, randomly letting out a shout of glee every few minutes.


When the sun is at its peak, the group gather in the kitchen, the company of each other being something the preferred.

"Guys! Check it out." Usopp skips in the room, carrying a piece of fabric in his hold, "using my unparalleled artistic talent, I made us a new Jolly Rodger for the ship."

He unravels the fabric, revealing a design. He hands it to Luffy to display, the design being a skull and crossbones, the skull having Usopp's recognisable hat adorning it's head.

"Oh. That's not-" Shiori mumbles, although her words are ignored.

Usopp smiles proudly, making the group almost feel bad, "Ta-da!" His laugh is the only thing preventing an awkward silence, "I know. I know. My flair for design often leaves people speechless."

Luffy folds the fabric up, shoving it into Usopp's chest with a forced smile, "I already drew our flag."

"Okay, but this one is so much better." The newest crew mate tries to hide his offended expression.

"Neither of the flags are gonna scare anyone away." Zoro attempts to conclude the argument, shaking his head.

"Why would we want to scare anyone?" Shiori frowns.

Nami leans over, patting the girl's shoulder with a tight-lipped smile, "because we're pirates, Shi."

A hum from Shiori prompts Usopp to continue, "okay, but the Jolly Roger is supposed to reflect the captain."

"I am the captain. We are the Straw Hat crew."

"They call me Captain Usopp."

"I am the captain."

"No way." Zoro whispers, side eyeing the two who continually try to speak over the other.

"Me, captain. Captain, me."

"The captain usually is also the one that gets the ship-"

"I am the captain."

"-and knows the most about the ship."

Nami can't help but let a laugh escape her, the competitors looking at her confused.

Zoro doesn't take long to join in, then the rest of them.

"What are we laughing at?" Shiori feigns a loud laugh between each word, whispering to the swordsman next to her.

"No idea. But it got them to shut up so just carry on." Zoro laughs, smacking his leg for extra effect.

Luffy friendly smacks Usopp's shoulder, "You see? This is what it's all about! From now on, it's all gonna be smooth sailing."

Ironically, as soon as he finishes speaking, a large bang rings out, everyone looking at each other nervously.

A few seconds pass before the ship violently shakes. Nami reaches out quickly, grabbing Shiori's arm in an attempt to stop the girl from failing.

"What was that?" Usopp asks from his unexpected position of an embrace with the boy he was arguing with.

"You had to open your mouth." Nami glares at Luffy, getting up to investigate their presumed attacker.

Zoro follows, dragging Shiori with him by her wrist, "stay with me."

A/n realised I need to be more serious

A/n realised I need to be more serious

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