Incorrect quotes #13

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Wanda: I'm sorry, honey. You need to solve this out by yourself.
Y/N: So you're telling me that I have to come up with a solution all by myself to a problem that I created all by myself?
Y/N: ... Well, that's not fair!


Steve: I can't believe I'm saying this, but we need to come up with a really good lie.
*everyone looks at Y/N*
Y/N: Why are you looking at me?
The Avengers: ...
Y/N: Yeah, you should look at me.


*Y/N and Nat in the elevator after a mission*
Natasha: Y/N, what you did was really stu-
*elevator music starts playing*
Y/N: *starts dancing* Quiet down! This is my jam.


Y/N: Natasha isn't picking up on my hints.
Wanda: What hints have you given her?
Y/N: Well, I think about her a lot.
Y/N: And sometimes I even think about talking to her.


*Y/N just crashed a car*
Y/N: Well, Wanda's not here to help. Let's make a break for it.
Kate: No, wait. What people do without magic is use honesty to take responsibility for what they've done.
Y/N: ...
Y/N: *laughs* That's a good one, Kate. Honesty and responsibility. Oh, no. But seriously who should we blame? Like an innocent bystander or something?

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