Incorrect quotes #2

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Natasha: Who's it gonna be, Y/N? Wanda or me?
Y/N: I choose... neither of you.
Wanda, Natasha: What?!
The Avengers: What?!
Yelena, watching from distance: I believe she said she's choosing neither of them.


*at a restaurant*
Waiter: Would you like a table?
Natasha: Ye-
Y/N: No, not at all. We came here to eat on the floor. Carpet for 2 please.


Wanda: I've been dropping her the most insanely obvious hints for like a year now. No response.
Y/N: Wow. She sounds stupid.
Wanda: But she's not. She's really smart actually. Just dense.
Y/N: Maybe you need to be more obvious? Like, I don't know... 'Hey! I love you!'
Wanda: I guess you're right. Hey, Y/N, I love you.
Y/N: See! Just say that!
Wanda: Holy fucking shit.
Y/N: If that flies over her head then, sorry Wanda, but she's too dumb for you.
Wanda: Y/N...


*on a mission*
Natasha: We need a distraction.
Wanda: Is anyone here good at jumping up and down and making weird noises?
Y/N, whispering: My time has come.


Y/N: Hey, would you get mad if-
Natasha: Yes.
Y/N: You didn't even let me finish...
Natasha: Trust me, I don't need to.

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