~Johnny's Home~

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Bit of a time skip

Y/n's POV:

It's been about two weeks since I was released from the hospital. The whole gang was at Pony's house playing cards, watching television, and eating cake that Darry made that morning. Two of us were missing, Dally and Johnny, so we assumed they were together. That was, until Johnny stumbled through the door.


"Hey guys... what ya up to?" He limped his way into the room, face swollen and bloody, and I couldn't believe my eyes.

"Johnny oh my god! What the hell happened?" I ran to him. He looked so awful. I reached out to touch his face, but he took my hand away.

"Don't. I'm fine doll." He refused to meet my eyes.

"Johnny... what happened to you?"

"Nothing, just a fight with my parents."

"JUST a fight with your parents? You look worse off than when the socs got a hold of ya!" Soda said, shooting up. "I'll go get the first aid kit."

"No need," Johnny said, pushing me aside and sitting himself down on the couch. Watching him struggle to get half across the room was more than enough for me. "I'm fine. Trust me."

Soda came back with the first aid kit. With everyone preoccupied, I used this opportunity to slip away. I learned where he lived from Dally one day when we went to pick him up for a day out. But today, I'm not going there for him, I'm going for someone else.

When I got to his house, I banged on the door. A burly man in a wife beater and a beer in hand answered the door.

"We don't want any." He said, slurring his words. He went to close the door, but I stopped it with my foot.

"That's not why I'm here. What makes you think you can treat your son like that? He's all bloodied up and limpin because of what y'all did to him."

"Oh, so that's what this is all about. He had to send a girl cuz he can't stand here and fight back like a man. Pathetic. Go away, kid, before ya end up like that baby."

I stood there, seething. In the corner of my eye, I spotted a broom. I quickly snatched it and jabbed it into his face.

He stumbled backward, confused, and I took that as my chance to pounce. Over the last two weeks, Dally has been giving me fighting tips. He says it's cuz he doesn't wanna have to be stuck defending me for the rest of his life, but I think it's because he cares. Although he would never admit that.

I had him pinned to the ground, using all my strength to hold him down. It was easier than it looked because of how drunk he was. I yanked the beer bottle from his hand and smashed it on the floor. As I held it above my head, I looked into his eyes.

"You listen to me. You ever lay a hand on him again, it won't be just me you deal with. I'll let you go this time, but I won't always be this nice.

"Whatever." He grumbled.

He grunted, and fought his hand free, throwing a punch to my face. I tried to swerve away, but it still hit me, leaving me with a shiner. He picked me up and threw me out the door. I scrambled up to run away.

"Yeah you better run kid! Get outta my house!" He mustve grabbed another beer bottle, because he threw it. It barely missed me, shattering on the road beside my feet.

As I sprinted back to the Curtis house, I couldn't help but smile. Thinking that the boy I love would be sitting on the couch when I got there.

I heard the revving of an engine behind me. I thought nothing of it, until I heard it come revving to a stop and people piling out. I look behind me to find a group of socs walking towards me menacingly.

"You're that broad who was there when that kid killed Bob, ain't ya?" The leader of the group said.

"I might be," I said, trying to sound intimidating. "Why? What's it to you?"

"We don't appreciate you comin into town and messing everything up. So me and my friends here, we've been lookin for ya. Tryin to set things right."

"I'm sorry? I don't follow."

"One of us went out, now one of you has to get snuffed out too. Only fair, ain't it?"

The socs formed a circle around me. I grounded my feet into the road, and put my hands up in front of me, just like Dally taught me. I was fully prepared to fight for my life, when I heard a gruff voice call out.

"Hey! What are you doing here? No funny business before the rumble, you know that." It was Dallas Winston. Running to my aid once again.

The soc scoffed. "Let's get outta here." He spat in my direction, then him and goons piled into their car and sped off.

"You alright kid? They didn't hurt you did they?"

"Nah. You came just in time."

"Then how'd you get this?" He asked, touching my black eye. I winced. It was still tender.

"Oh, that. That was something else. No need to worry about it."

"Alright pipsqueak I trust ya. How about we head to the Curtis house."

"That's where I was goin anyway. Let's go!"

(Hi readers! I'm gonna start a new story with Dallas! I'll still update this one as well, hopefully I'll actually be motivated to write. Hopefully I'll see you there ;)
Author out! -Bunny)

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