~I Promise~

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Johnny's POV:

I walked down the street, arms crossed and shivering. But I don't regret a thing. Y/n needed my jacket more than I did. Besides, she looked kinda cute in it. Nah, what am I sayin'? She's a real peach but I don't even know for sure how I feel 'bout her. And even if I did like her no promises she'd even like me back. I continued to tussle with my thoughts until I reached the front door of my house. The lights were still on. Shit. My parents must still be up. I sighed and opened the door. My ma was standing holding a broom while my dad was stumbling around the house, obviously drunk. They were screaming at each other until Ma noticed me.

"WHERE THE FUCK WERE YOU? DO YOU KNOW HOW LATE IT IS?" She stared at me with a burning anger in her eyes. "I know Ma... I'm real sorry, I just lost track of time."

"SORRY MY ASS! YOU NEVER COME HOME ANYMORE-" She continued to ramble on. I tried to tune it out the best I could but it got to the point where I couldn't take it anymore. "YA KNOW MAYBE IF Y'ALL WEREN'T ALWAYS FIGHTIN LIKE THIS I WOULD ACTUALLY COME HOME."

She jabbed the broom sharply into my face. I could feel my nose start to bleed as I scrambled for the doorknob to leave. She kept swinging at me as I managed to get the door open. "GET OUT! I DON'T WANT YOU HERE!" She called after me as I ran out of the house, not really caring where I was going. I can't go back to pony's house, I already slept there last night. They'll think I'm moochin off em. My last option is Y/n. I remember where her house is of course. I was just there. As the cold wind relentlessly blew in my face, I felt a lump in my throat.

My nose still dripping with blood, I tried to control the sobs exiting my mouth. I should've seen that coming. My folks never want me around. I reached Y/n's house and banged on the door.

"Y-Y/n! Are you in there? Please open up!"

Y/n's POV:

I was woken up to the sound of banging on the door. There was a voice, but in my tired state, I couldn't make out what they were saying. I opened the door and my eyes met with a pair of big dark ones, crying. "J-Johnny?" I said, concern filling my mind. He was bleeding... Why was he bleeding...? He collapsed on my porch, with his hands covering his face.

"I-I'm real sorry *sob* to be bothering ya.." He was stumbling on his words, obviously choked up from his sobs. "I just had nowhere else *hic* to go.." I crouched down to help him up. "C'mon inside Johnny.." I led him to my room and sat him on my bed. "Stay here."

I grabbed a small towel from the bathroom and ran it under the faucet. When I walked back into my room, Johnny was still sitting on the bed, knees pulled to his chest. I sat down next to him and lifted his head up with my hand. When I lifted the wet rag up to his face, he winced at the pain. "Johnny... what happened to you?"

"My folks... they don't want me around." He chuckled a bit. "Every time I come home they're always fightin and my pa is always drinkin. Ma kicked me out tonight, but not before reminding me I'm not welcome at home. Hence... this." He said gesturing towards his face. All I could do was just stare. "Johnny I-" He started to tear up again.

"I can't take much more of this. I'll kill myself or something. If even my folks don't want me around what's the point?" He started to cave in again. I wrapped my arms around him, rubbing circles into his back. I gently hushed him as he sobbed. "I feel bad.." He began. "You shouldn't have to listen to my garbage, I mean- I should be able to handle it... I-"

"Johnny, you shouldn't have to shoulder this alone. You're one of my only friends here, you'll always have me in your corner. My house is always open for you." I reached up to wipe away his tears. "And it's okay to cry. It's nice to know you trust me enough to tell me all this. You can sleep here tonight, and my home will always be open to you when you need it." He looked at me, and extended his pinky.

"You promise?" He looked at me with puppy dog eyes. I giggled and intertwined my pinky with his.

"I promise."

The Next Morning

Y/n's POV:

I woke up to my alarm clock sounding. I shuffled to turn if off until I felt a pair of arms tighten around me. Then my mind remembers what happened last night.

"Johnny you can stay here."

"I-in your bed? Are you sure?"

"Yeah! Why not?"

"N-no reason. Goodnight Y/n."

"Goodnight Johnny."

I turned around to face Johnny. He looked so peaceful in his sleep. I hate to disturb him.. Nahhh this'll be fun. I poked his cheek. "Hey there cuddlebug." He opened his eyes and immediately scrambled to sit up.

"Y/n! I-I'm so sorry I must have shifted in my sleep!" He continued to ramble, stumbling over his words. I laughed.

"It's alright Johnny I understand." My hand traveled up to his face. "Your bruise looks better already. Does it hurt a lot still?" He shook his head.

"Nah, not too much." I smiled. "Good. I have to leave for school in a few minutes, but you're welcome to stay here if you like. Help yourself to the food in the kitchen." He nodded and I headed to the bathroom with some clothes to get ready.

"Oh! Johnny! I forgot!" I said running back to my room. "Your jacket is on the dresser!" I said gesturing to the set of drawers in my room. "Thanks, by the way, for letting me borrow it."

"No problem Y/n. But isn't it cold out today? If I'm staying here, you can borrow it again if you like."

"Really?" I asked, my face lighting up. "Yeah sure. It's the least I could do for what you're doing for me." I grabbed his jacket and gave him a tight hug. "You're the best Johnny! Bye, see you after school!"

As I walked out the door with his jacket on, my hands met my face. Oh my god... I cuddled with him. I'm wearing his jacket. AGAIN! But he couldn't like me.. right? I mean it was an accident, and he was just being nice. I should pretend nothing happened. I mean, we are just friends. I started on my way to school.

(Hi everyone! I finally got enough strength in my wrist to post a new chapter! I've had so many ideas but not the ability to write them. I promise there will be a new chapter soon! Author out! -Bunny <3

1187 words

I Promise | Johnny CadeWhere stories live. Discover now