~I Think~

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Y/n's POV:

All I can see is black. Am I... asleep? Johnny. I went to save Johnny. Why did I do that?

I was so confused before but I think I understand now. You don't know who you live for until you're ready to die for them.

I think... I like Johnny.

I need to tell him. I need to.

My eyes fluttered open in a hospital room. There was a nurse opening the curtains to the window.


"Oh hello miss Y/n! We've been keeping track of your vitals and you seem to be okay, we were just waiting for you to wake up. If you want, you can be discharged now or we could stay and monitor you a bit longer."

"I'm okay to leave now ma'am."

I ran down the street of my neighborhood. I need to find Johnny. I have to tell him. Oh! He must be at Ponyboy's house!

I ran there and opened the door. 

"Johnny I-"


Johnny and a random girl sitting together. Giggling and kissing one another.

"Oh! Y/n! you're out of the hospital. You missed a lot. Me and (random girl I haven't named) got together!"

I stumbled backward and ended up falling.

"Y/n? Aren't you happy for us?"

I'm too late...


My eyes truly opened, hearing the sound of Johnny's voice. He was kneeling by the hospital bed, looking at the floor.

"I know it's only been a couple weeks... but I've never felt this way for anyone before. I think... I think I like you, Y/n."

Johnny's POV:

It's been almost two days since the fire at Jay Mountain. After the roof came crumbling down and Y/n saved me, she hasn't gotten up. The doctors say it's a mix between smoke inhalation and hitting her head. I feel so guilty. That should've been me.

I've tried to stay by her side as much as I can, with Dallas and Ponyboy dragging me away to eat or rest. She needs to wake up. She has to. Oh god why did she try to save me?

I kneeled down next to her hospital bed. The steady beeping of the heart monitor was a comfort. At least she's still alive.

"Hey Y/n. I still don't understand why you saved me. If I could, I would trade our spots, so you could be out and about and happy. I really need you to wake up now, Y/n. You've become my world kinda. You hold me together. I dunno what I'd do without you. Basically since I met you, I've been getting these feelings. I never really understood them, so I brushed them off. But I think I do now. I know it's only been a couple weeks... but I've never felt this way for anyone before. I think... I think I like you, Y/n."

"I think I like you too Johnnycakes." A raspy voice replied.

I looked up.

"Y/-Y/n! Don't tell me you heard all of that."

"Nah, I only heard the tail end of it. But, I do like what I heard."

I rushed to wrap my arms around her.

"You're awake... Oh god Y/n why did you try to save me..."

"I had to. I couldn't just let you get hurt."

She stared into my eyes with a bittersweet expression. I pressed a finger to her temple.

"Don't look at me like that, doll. This is a happy moment."

She gave a soft smile and giggled.

"Do you know how much longer I'll be in this bed?"

"I'm not sure, I can go get a nurse for you if you like."

"Okay. I'll stay in here."

I walked out of her room and saw Darry. When did he get here? I dunno.

"Johnny. How's Y/n?"

"Oh, she's doing well. She just woke up."

"Really?" He stood up but before he headed over to her room he looked to me as if asking if he was allowed. I gave him a nod.

I approached the front desk.

"Hi, um.. there was a patient, Y/n L/n, who was unconscious for the past two days, but she's awake now, so what should we do?"

"Oh! It's good to hear she's awake. We'll have a nurse come in soon to check on her but just sit tight for now hun."

I walked back to Y/n's room where Darry was catching her up with everything that happened since she was gone.

"There should be a Nurse coming soon."

"Oh, thanks Johnny." She smiled at me, as sweet as ever. I felt my cheeks dusted with pink.

Suddenly, Y/n started freaking out.


Darry shot up.

"What's your address? I can go get him if you like." Y/n nodded and told him her address and he left the room.


"Yes Y/n?"

She held her hand out to me and I took it, rubbing it softly with my thumb.

"What does this make us now?"

"I dunno, I don't have much experience with stuff like this. We could ask Dally, or... I dunno actually. I just feel like this was a terrible way to do it. I should've taken you on a proper date first."

"Well I wouldn't have had it any other way." She giggled.

She scooted over in her hospital bed and pat the spot next to her.

"Do you wanna join me? You look tired."

I wasted no time taking the opportunity. I climbed in and scooped her up into my arms, snuggling into the crook of her neck. I love the way she smells, it's so comforting. And she's so warm. I wish I could stay just like this for forever.


"Yeah Doll?"

"Could I hold your jacket? I like it."

I chuckled and I slipped off my jacket and handed it to her. She held it close and she snuggled into me and I pulled her in again.

"Gosh, why didn't I say something sooner? I could've had all this."

"I dunno, you're a mystery, Johnny Cade."

(I thought I would troll y'all this chapter. This isn't the end of the story either! New chapter soon! Author out! -Bunny <3)

 This isn't the end of the story either! New chapter soon! Author out! -Bunny <3)

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