~This Won't Be So Bad..~

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Y/N's POV:

I can't believe I have to move away. I feel awful for my dad. He's been doing this best after mom ran away to go be with some drug dealer, but still managed to lose his job. We have to leave Stillwater because we just can't afford to live there anymore, and my dad found a job in Tulsa. I have to leave my city behind, and what happens when I get to Tulsa? What if I don't fit in..? What if I don't-

"Y/n!!" My dad yelled from the kitchen. "Are you almost done packing your things?"

"Yes dad!!" I responded. I put my stuffed bear into a box and picked it up. My room felt so empty with all my things taken down and packed away. I carried my box down the stairs and met my dad at the bottom. "This is the last one." I said with a dreary tone.

"Y/n..." My father says, putting a reassuring hand on my shoulder, "I know how hard this must be for you, leaving your childhood home behind. I promise I will do my best to make a good home for you in Tulsa, and I hope you will eventually be okay with this." He flashed me a smile. I put my box to the side and gave him a tight hug. He squeezed back and when we were finished he said, "It's time to go now, I'll carry your box to the car."

Time skip brought to you by Ponyboy's greasy hair.

After an hour and a half drive, we made it to Tulsa, and to our new home. It was a much smaller house then we used to have, in a neighborhood that was a lot more disheveled, but it had an empty lot in the middle of the street, which looked like a nice place to relax.

"So," I began, "This is our new home?"

"Yes," My dad responded, "This is our new home. Wanna check it out?" He reached a hand out to me and I took it with a smile. "Let's go!"

Dad opened the front door and I was pleasantly surprised with what I found inside. The wallpaper was a delicate floral design and inside the main room was comfortable looking furniture. I looked around at the rooms of the house and stumbled upon a room with sage green walls. My dad went to the house last week to move in my bed, so when I saw it, I was so relieved. No longer will I sleep on the floor in a sleeping bag. I immediately plopped down onto it and sighed. "Welcome home Y/n.."

After my dad and I moved all the boxes inside, I was allowed to go outside and explore. The sun was already setting by the time I got outside, so I decided I wouldn't go far, only to the empty lot. I sat down in the dirt at the lot and watched the sun go down. Gee, it really was pretty. The wind blew in my face which sent chills down my body. I forgot to put on a jacket or something before I went out, But I stayed still because I wanted to watch the pretty hues of the sunset. As a mix of reds, yellows, pinks, and oranges, faded to blues, purples, and eventually black, I thought to myself.

"If the sky looks like this every night, this won't be so bad.."

(Sorry this first chapter was so short! I promise they will get longer as the story starts to progress!

But thank you for reading!! <333 -Bunny)

607 words

I Promise | Johnny CadeHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin