~The Fire~

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Y/n's POV:

It's been almost a week since we ran away to the church in Windrixville. We're more than halfway through Gone With the Wind, Ponyboy finished the last bottle of Pepsi a few days ago and has been complaining about it, and we're all very tired of nothing but Baloney.

Ponyboy was napping on the floor, I was on a bench playing cards by myself, and Johnny was out back trying to make sense of Gone With the Wind by himself.

I heard the whistle again. The one with the long low note and then a quick high note. But Johnny wouldn't need to do that, we know he's there. Oh well. I return to my cards.

A couple minutes later, I hear a familiar voice.

"Hey pipsqueak."

I whipped around.


He reached out and ruffled my hair. "You've changed since I last saw ya. Been staying out of trouble up here?"

I nodded. "So what's happened since we left? Are the cops after us? How is everyone? Are they worried?"

"Chill down Y/n, one thing at a time. Where's Ponyboy?"

I pointed to the sleeping boy on the floor. Dallas smirked.

"Hey... Blondie."

He nudged Pony with his foot.

Pony grumbled awake. "Dally?"

He grinned. "You expecting Elvis?"

"Its nice to see all you guys, man. Oh, that reminds me. I've got a delivery for Ponyboy Curtis."

He pulls out an envelope and hands it to Pony.

"Who's it from?"

"The president. Of the United States."

We all stared at him.

"From your brother. Sodapop."

Johnny and I looked at each other. I wanted to know what the letter said but it's really none of my business.

"Got a cancer stick Johnny?"

Johnny tossed him a whole pack.


"Dallas how come you got hauled in?" Ponyboy asked, holding up the letter.

"Oh come on man, you know me. They haul me in for whatever happens round here. But while I was being interrogated I may have let it slip that... get this... that you three were headed for Texas." He grinned wide and laughed. "Anyways, I'm starving. You guys wanna go get some food?"

"You're starving?" Johnny said. "Try just baloney for a week."

"Yeah yeah." He looked to Ponyboy again. "I can't with this guy and his hair man. I mean.."

"I know I look lousy, don't rub it in."

Time skip

We made to the local Dairy Queen. Alive, thankfully. After this, I'm never riding with Dallas again.

"Ya know, after y'alls thing last week, tensions are high between us and the socs. I've had to start carrying around a heater."

"Dally! You kill people with heaters!"

"Yeah well you kill people with switchblades too, don't you kid? ... Sorry Johnny I didn't mean that. Don't worry, it isn't loaded. Just makes a hell of a bluff."

I Promise | Johnny Cadeजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें