~First Day of School~

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Y/n's POV:

I woke up this morning to the smell of pancakes, and my dad shouting, "Y/n wake up! It's your first day at your new school!" 'Oh shoot, he's right.' I thought. I got out of bed and put on my clothes. I decided on a nice pair of jeans, a white t-shirt, and clean black converse. I brushed my hair and walked into the kitchen, where a plate of pancakes was sitting on the table.

"Thanks for breakfast dad." I said and he flashed me a big smile. "Well you gotta have a fueled body! I have to leave for work in a few minutes but I wanted to wish you the best of luck at school today! Do your best and make lots of friends okay?" He placed a kiss on my forehead before taking his bag and heading out the door.

I ate my pancakes with a cheery mood. I'm so glad I have my dad with me. What would I do without him? After breakfast, I went to grab my school bag. Then I hopped out the door and was on my way to school. As I was walking down the sidewalk, I saw a boy with long dark hair also walking. He had a backpack on as well so I figured he was going to school too. I wonder if we were in the same grade. Could we be friends? I decided to leave it at that and focus on finding my way.

After making it to school and receiving my schedule from the office, I went to go find my first class. When I was walking down the hallway, I saw the same boy getting picked on by some boys who were wearing clean fancy clothes. 'They must be from the west side,' I thought. 'That's where the rich people are.' I got closer in hopes of hearing what they were saying.

"Gonna cry you filthy greaser?" One boy with curly hair and rings said. "Or are you gonna go tell on us to your useless dropout of a brother again?" Another boy chimed in. They boy with the rings reached out and knocked the papers and book out of the boy's hands. At that point I looked around to see if anyone was going to step in. With nobody even giving any mind to the situation, I figured I should stop them.

"Hey cut it out!" I shouted. The boys turned to look at me with surprise. The boy with the rings stalked up to me and asked, "Are you talking to me you dumb broad?" I looked at him right in the eyes. "What are you gonna do about it fancy pants?" I could see the rage building up in his eyes, but the other rich boy put a hand on his shoulder and said, "Let's just go Bob, she ain't worth our time." Bob agreed with him and turned to leave, but not before spitting in my direction. I turned to the other boy and picked up his book.

"Are you okay?" He looked at me with thankfulness. "Yeah, thanks." He took the book from my hands and smiled.

"Are you new here? I haven't seen you before." The boy asked "Yeah.. haha. Today is my first day. I moved here on Friday." I answered sheepishly. "You're the first person I've talked to here actually."

"Oh," He looked at me with a face I couldn't discern. "Well welcome to this hellhole. My name's Ponyboy."

I looked at him weirdly. "Ponyboy? I didn't know we were on nickname terms." "No no, my name is actually Ponyboy. Says it on my birth certificate" I reached out my hand and he shook it. "Nice to meet you Ponyboy, my name's Y/n." He smiled at me and then looked at the paper in my hand.

"Need help finding your first class?" He asked. "Yes please," I said, "I hate to admit it but I'm lost" I handed him my paper and he studied it. "Oh! Your class is on the way to mine, I'll take you." He started walking and I followed him down the halls, weaving in and out of crowds of people, until we stopped in front of a classroom.

"Well this is your class." The warning bell rang. "I guess I better be off then, good luck!" He saluted and walked away. I walked into the classroom. As I was looking for somewhere to sit, I walked up to two girls with plaid skirts and curled hair.

"Hi, I'm new and I was wondering if I could sit in the empty seat next to you?" The girls stopped talking and looked at me with disgust. "As if, dirty greaser." I grumbled and went to find another empty seat. Surprisingly, my classes went well after that, I wasn't singled out by anyone and those socs I stood up to this morning have been surprisingly missing all day. My classes are somewhat easy and my teachers aren't too bad. But it was kinda hard going ten minutes without some soc saying "Dirty greaser" or something along those lines, but I'm used to it. Stillwater people can be brutal. On my way home, I saw Ponyboy again.

"Ponyboy!" I called out and ran up to him. "Oh hey Y/n! How was your first day?" I matched his pace so we could walk together. "It wasn't too bad, socs will be socs but I survived." I smiled at him. "How was yours?"

"Well after you stood up to Bob and Randy, they kinda backed off a little, but I'm sure that won't last long." "Well if they ever try anything again I'll be here." I replied back. We slowly approached my house. "This is my stop. Thanks for walking with me Ponyboy."

"No problem Y/n, and you can call me Pony." I waved goodbye and walked through the door. My dad isn't home from work yet but he left me some food in the fridge. When I opened the fridge I found a container of (your favorite food) with a note on it.

'I hope you had a great day at school!' -Dad

I smiled and went to heat up the food. After I was done eating, I decided I was gonna go to the lot and read a bit. I sat down next to a tree and opened (your favorite book) and began to read. I didn't realize how much time went by and by the time I looked up, the sun was going down. I continued to watch as the sky was painted in many different colors, until a heard a rustling behind me.

(Thanks for reading!! <33 -Bunny)

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