~I Killed Him~

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Y/n's POV:

Johnny, Pony and I made it to the lot and decided to chill there for a bit. After a while of just sitting in silence, I spoke.

"Does it always have to be this way? Us greasers never being able to go anywhere or do anything without being ridiculed or getting jumped?"

Johnny added, "There's gotta be a place out there without greasers, or socs, just plain ol' ordinary people.."

"It's not like that out in the country," Pony began, "Just grass fields for miles, and quiet sunny days, and..."

Johnny's POV:

I was the first to wake up. Ponyboy was snoozing on my shoulder, and Y/n in my lap. I shook both of them awake.

"Pony, Y/n, wake up!"

"mmm..." Pony grumbled, "Johnny, what time is it?"

"I dunno man, I fell asleep too."

Y/n was still trying to keep herself awake as Ponyboy stood up.

"Johnny I gotta get home."

"Go ahead. I'll stay here with Y/n."

I let Y/n rest her head on my shoulder as she struggled to stay up. She's so warm and welcoming. Nothing like my folks back home. Her eyes were closed, and she looked so peaceful. Like an angel. Yeah I know its cliché or something but Y/n must have been sent down from heaven. Do I... like her? I dunno. I've never liked anyone like this. I mean yeah I've sure thought a girl was pretty and stuff, but it was never like this.

I want to stay up late at night just with her. We could do everything or nothing at all. I could stare at her pretty face for hours and she would laugh at me and I would say, 'it's not my fault you're so pretty' And then we would-


Ponyboy came running out of the house towards me. I was afraid all this ruckus was gonna wake Y/n.

"Come on Johnny we're running away." He said, beckoning me to follow him. I woke up Y/n and pulled her along with me.

"Johnny, where are we going..?"

"I dunno, ask Ponyboy."

We made it to the park and Pony finally slowed down enough to explain.

"Got a cigarette Johnny? I'm scared man."

"Well don't be, you're scaring me." I said, handing him a cigarette and a light.

"What even happened Pony?" Y/n asked.

"Darry hit me... he hit me. We got along fine until mom and dad died, now he can't stand me."

"I dunno, I kinda like it better when the old man is hittin me. At least he knows I'm there."

"Um, guys, what is that...?" Y/n said, staring at a car pulling into the park. It was the same blue mustang from earlier.

"What should we do? Split up?"

"No Y/n. Stay close. Be careful."

They came stumbling out of the car, obviously drunk. When I noticed the array of rings on the leader's hands.

"It's that guy! The one with the rings man!"

"Stay cool Johnny."

"Well well well..." He said with a slight slur in his words. "Ain't these the greasers who tried to take our girls?"

"Hey, you guys are out of your territory. You better watch it!"

"No pal, you better watch it." Another guy replied. I gulped.

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